I ran across this a little while ago. It appears the site is a anti Legion site so you should keep that in mind as you read this.
Maciel Investigation Still Underway, Legion of Christ Misinforms the Media
By Regain editorial staff
Monday May 23, 2005
This morning, at exactly 9am, the time when the Vatican Press Office opens, I phoned to speak directly with Fr. Ciro Benedettini, Assistant Vatican Spokesperson. I had questions regarding the communiqué attributed to him regarding Fr. Maciel. Our conversation is as follows:
“That communiqué does NOT belong to the Holy See; it is a communiqué from the Legionaries of Christ. They called me, the same as you are calling me, and they asked me if there is any communiqué about the investigation, or about a possible investigation, into Fr. Maciel. I told them that the Press Office had not received any communiqué about whether there is, was or will be any such investigation; that this issue does not concern the Press Office but directly concerns Monsignor Scicluna [the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith’s Promoter of Justice].”
I repeatedly asked him whether or not the communiqué was from the Vatican Press Office, and he emphasized on more than three occasions that it was NOT; that the communiqué comes from the Legionaries and that the only thing that he had done was to point out that the Press Office has no news about said investigation.
I insisted that the Legionaries say he was the one who gave this information he replied: “Absolutely not. They called me, and I repeat to you that what I told them, that [simply] there is no knowledge of it [the investigation] in the Press Office.”
I continued to ask him about the investigation underway directed by Monsignor Scicluna, and he answered: “You have to ask him about that directly; it is not our province.”
I commented that I was worried he had given out the communiqué, because - as is well known - whoever reveals information about an investigation underway incurs excommunication “Latae Sententiae” [ipso facto], and he told me that of course he had done no such thing.
I told him that in the news articles that have appeared the Legionaries quote him as their official source and he answered: “Absolutely not, because they called me and I told them exactly the same as I have told you: that here there is nothing on record about an investigation; that corresponds to the CDF.” [Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith]
As to whether the Holy See was going to provide an official denial, he told me that, at least for today, it was NOT going to make any denial; simply because there never was any official communiqué from the Holy See to begin with.
The above information is vouched for by Regain editorial staff
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