I posted this on the “Discourse with Mormons” thread, and I’ll post it here.
On your comment of the passage from Gallatians, how did the LDS receive authority to interpret scripture? Christ cleary gave the apostles (i.e., the Early Church) this authority in the Bible. Do not say to me that this authority (to the LDS) came from the book of Mormon, for it is NOT a historical text. Isn’t it a bit ironic that these “golden tablets” had to be swept off Earth to the safety of Heaven? There has been a plethora of (secular) evidence that the accounts of historical events from both the Old and New Testament actually occurred. This cannot be said about the Book of Mormon. There was no “great battle” in the Americas, for if it did only happen ~1000 years ago, there would be plenty of evidence. Events that happened 3000+ years ago (the pyramids of Egypt, Mesopotamian ruins, Stonehenge, Chinese ruins, and events out of the OT) are still very well preserved and very much so observable, yet something that happened a mere 1000 years ago vanished off the face of the Earth. Eastern animals (elephants, and others) that “appear” in the BOM in the ancient days, did not exist in the Americas until the 1500’s when Spanish conquistadors brought them. Seesh, did Joseph Smith have any history teaching?
Okay, on to the LDS “official” beliefs. I am quoting from the website.
-“We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth. We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.”
I, as a Catholic, agree that Christ’s Church needs apostles (modern day bishops), pastors (modern day priests), teachers, evangelists, and so forth. However, any Catholic (heck, any Christian for that matter) would STRONGLY disagree that there have been any prophets or prophecy since Jesus Christ. We can both agree that Christ taught the ENTIRE Gospel, and any prophecy to the contrary is heresy. Prophecy is direct revelation from God, introducing MORE teachings in additon to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If, then, there is a need of prophets in the days after Christ, then Christ DID NOT teach the entire Gospel, and therefore was fallible and WAS NOT divine; Jesus WAS NOT GOD if modern prophets do exist. If this is the case, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that LDS can even begin to call themselves “Christian.”
-"We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. "
Simply put, as I argued earlier, Christianity is a revealed religion. Christ taught the entire Gospel; He told us everything we need to know about God and Life. Saying, or believing, anything to the contrary is heresy.
-“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.”
How can the Bible be translated correctly if not by Christ’s Church that He began and to Her gave this authority alone? How can the Book of Mormon be the Word of God if it contains blatant historical errors?
Finally, I have a feeling that you will say this, so I will cover my bases. You might say that the Catholic Church believes in visions or revalation from God. Not so. The Catholic Church believes that visions (such as Our Lady of Fatima, Lourdes, or Guadalupe) can assist in our understanding of the Scrioture, but IN NO WAY replaces what Jesus taught. Catholics ARE NOT OBLIGED to believe in visions; however, it is difficult to not believe that the Vision at Fatima did not exist, or at Guadalupe, or at Lourdes, or to St. Catherine, or to St. Jeanne D’Arc, etc… Still, Catholics are called to be very skeptical and wary when it comes to visions. By no means does believing a vision did not occur put you on the wrong side with God.