You are not answering people’s objects. You are using a couple of logical facilies here and there and I am not sure if you are trying to do this or if you are honestly just not seeing your own errors in thought. But you can’t justify the Mormon position by saying that Catholics do or believe something different but similar or even that Catholics do an identical thing. Two wrongs don’t make a right and in several cases the similarities you cite aren’t close enough to even be considered the same.
It is my position that many ex-Mormon atheist exist today. The reason for this is that the logic utilized to deconstruct Mormonism also decimates Christianity.
Have LDS prophets contradicted each other? Yes. So have Popes, so have reformist, so has the Spirit of Sola Scriptura.
Have LDS prophets sinned? Yes. So have …
Do many LDS lean on a Spiritual witness and almost all (I was once a LDS without a spiritual witness) have Spiritual witness as part of their belief? Yes. So have … It is virtually impossible to believe in an afterlife without faith.
Concerning the Book of Mormon I have a very different idea that I use to weigh the evidence. First, since the BOM burst upon the scene in 1830 and claimed to be an ancient book it is different from the Bible. Second, since the BOM claims to be a text translated by an 1830’s man (prophet with the help of God true, but still an 1830’s man), it must be evaluated as a modern translation of an ancient text if one is to know if it is authentic. Third, since the BOM contains components that are not easily explainable by the fraud theory, one who adopts the fraud theory must explain these components.
One explains one of the reasons (among others) that I believe there is not definitive proof of the BOM.
Two explains many of the problems that exist in the BOM.
And the failure of critics to explain three to me satisfactorily leaves me willing to accept a lot of **** contained in one and two.
You may not like it. You may not see any reason to look into this as much as I have. But 1,2, and 3 in my mind demand that the BOM is what it says it is. The “fraud theory” explanations for #3 have been much less convincing to me than have the “authentic theory” explanations associated with 1 and 2.
I am convinced that you could put into your balance pan as much or more information than I have and come to a different conclusion, but I can only follow my personally reasoning powers. If my fulcrum is offset then I only pray that God will help me realign.
Concerning horses, steel, bees, … you may or may not be aware that all of these issues are dealt with in various ways by LDS apologists. One and Two, and science introduce reasons why these do not prove the BOM to be a “fraud.”
I do not know what path you walked during your crisis of faith, but I remember some dark days in my life. I received my spiritual witness and many logical explanations during this time. I can no longer demand that your way is wrong. I can only say that my way is right for me and I can do nothing by follow the will of God as best I can come to know it.
Charity, TOm