Not precisely true. We do have absolutes. It is absolutely true that Christ is the son of God and was born of a virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, etc… This is absolutley true. Be careful in making canned Catholic responses to what, to a free thinking mind, might be more of an exercise of your own faith than a statement of a governing body’s.
I don’t know any “canned Catholic responses.” Is there a supply of them available somewhere? I’d like to stock up for emergencies.
I used to have a free-thinking mind, but common sense overcame me. Actually, it was grace that overcame me. I stopped being an atheist and became a Catholic.
I’m always glad to know when any Protestant subscribes to the Creed(s) of the Catholic Church. It seems you are a
moral relativist.
Anglicans do not in one fell swoop assert any of the things you have listed. As in the Catholic church, there are those who do, and those who don’t, personally assert such things.
Sorry, I was imprecise in my statement. I was referring to the official teaching of the Anglican/Episcopal Church. What individual Anglicans or Catholics believe is immaterial.
A Catholic, by definition, believes what the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches. Otherwise, he ceases to be Catholic, regardless of what he may call himself. Dissenters are impersonating Catholics – they are
imposters in Catholic clothing.
Unlike the Catholic faith, when a leading member of our communion speaks, he does not speak for us all.
Oh, he speaks only for himself? Then, why does he bother speaking?
I fully expect, when I die, to be judged by God on my own merits and failures. I expect no iron shield of doctrinal assent to come between me and justice. I will not be judged on my neighbor’s life, but on my own alone. Neither will you be.
The Catholic Church speaks for Christ (Luke 10:16 et al.). Her teachings are absolute. God is the absolute lawgiver. But laws are not for God’s benefit, but for ours.
Where did you get the idea that Catholics think they will be judged on other people’s lives, as your statement implies?
You don’t seem to know much about Catholicism, yet you seem very angry about it. I wonder if you’re angry about what the Church teaches or what you wrongly presume to be the teaching of the Church? Why are you angry at all? Why not be a happy Anglican instead of an angry, anti-Catholic Anglican?