The Microbots are coming soon

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Like Frankenstein, Marc Miskin’s robots initially lie motionless. Then their limbs jerk to life.
But these robots are the size of a speck of dust. Thousands fit side-by-side on a single silicon wafer similar to those used for computer chips, and, like Frankenstein coming to life, they pull themselves free and start crawling.
He imagines a wealth of uses for these microbots, which are about the size of a cell. They could crawl into cellphone batteries and clean and rejuvenate them. They might be a boon to neural scientists, burrowing into the brain to measure nerve signals. Millions of them in a petri dish could be used to test ideas in networking and communications.
Dr.Miskin expects that he can demonstrate practical microbots within a few years.

Be AFRAID,…very AFRAID…“Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”
Luke 21:26
There are at least 100 things I fear more than some delicate Microbots.
Be AFRAID,…very AFRAID…“Men will faint from fear and anxiety over what is coming upon the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory”
Luke 21:26
How do we go from microbots to that passage in Luke? :confused:
Like Frankenstein, Marc Miskin’s robots initially lie motionless. Then their limbs jerk to life.
But these robots are the size of a speck of dust.
Excellent. Now some of my favorite sci-fi horror stories will finally become real life!
Yes they were developed in the secret University lab where things work once when nobody is watching. It was the secret lab under the stairs where the laws of physics don’t apply. You walk in and balls are floating in the air (i.e. no gravity). A busy graduate student is working away at his desk on the ceiling. Yes…you take these little robots anywhere else, and they don’t work, but you need to worry about them in the special lab under the stairs.

Things I don’t lose any sleep over…
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"Fear not, for I am with thee: turn not aside, for I am thy God: I have strengthened thee, and have helped thee, and the right hand of my just one hath upheld thee. " - Isaiah 41:10.

The Last Judgment is a bit more frightening than microbots. 🙂
Why are Christains facination with the end times?

For all you know it’s between now and the heat death of the universe. Nothing you can do to change it, effect it or more importantly predict it.

Man brings up an idoitic thread about micro bots but you lean on that old chestnut.
Personally, I’m counting on medically implanted microbots to repair all the damage I’ve done to my body throughout the years from all the junk food I’ve eaten. They can’t get here soon enough.
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Are you saying the microbots are a sign from Christ coming back to judge? Because a great many deal of others identify them as a sign from Satan snicking in to place the seal.of the.Antichrist on us.
No joke intended.
But seriously, would the Lord of Powers need anything man made such as.microbots?
Microbots are just to divert attention from what is truly important, like, fear of God.
Why are Christains facination with the end times?
Historically, there has been some fascination with mortality and Christ’s second coming in large part to encourage living better and not doing evil.

Relatively recently, though, there’s been a bizarre fascination with trying to link certain stories in the Bible - especially those of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation - to modern-day events and developments. Some causes for this are:
  • People are reading the aforementioned books both eschatologically and very literally. Many of these readings only started appearing in the last couple hundred years.
  • There’s a pop-culture fascination with the subject, driven by media like Left Behind. This also means working it into sermons can be quite lucrative, as pastors like John Hagee have found out.
  • Dispensationalism, which was found in the 19th century, has caused a bit of a Zionist movement inside certain Christian circles. At its core, it teaches that the Jews are still God’s chosen people alongside the Church and that the Church will be “raptured” prior to some great tribulation, where the Jews return to God. Combined with Israel becoming nation and the threat of Islamic terrorism, this doctrine has led many to believe that this “rapture” is inevitable.
  • Considering a lot of these alleged end-times prophecies are 2000 years old, and considering the rise of technology, and considering the literal reading of these “prophecies”, many have started trying to link technology to these “prophecies”. That’s what’s going on in this thread.
Now, most of this is basically an American Protestant thing, but obviously American Protestants have some general cultural influence. As a result, it hasn’t remained entirely contained among American Protestants. That said, I don’t think your average Christian is quite so hysterical.
Sorry for responding to an eight day old comment, but this is some the funniest stuff I’ve read in a long time! Yeah, there’s some impressive AI coming out, but the idea that any of it is self-aware is just hilarious.

I remember when John Oliver did his episode on cryptocurrency. The guy from Bitconnect actually came on the show. He doesn’t seem to like cryptocurrency much anymore.

To address the title of the video:

Technically speaking, we’ve had AI for a while now. Data structures and algorithms have existed for a long time, though for a while it was hard to get them to do better than play chess or serve as really stupid chatbots. While there have been a few massive breakthroughs lately, we’re still not even really sure of the limits of AI.

Personally, I’m more concerned about AI making a mistake or it being used by malicious actors than I am about it becoming self-aware and/or going deliberately terminator on us.
That would make one heck of an apocalyptic science-fiction movie!

This is along the lines of “Left Behind” writ large. As I said in another post, just taking the “rapture” as a literary device (as opposed to accepting it as a true interpretation of the Bible), it was really a very well-told and well-acted story. Or I liked it anyway.
Absolutely! Yes!

Let’s be clear, though, that the 3DOD is based upon private revelations, and the Church does not teach this. You can believe it or not, as you are persuaded either way. It does seem to throw water on the whole “wheat and tares” thing.
Sorry for responding to an eight day old comment, but this is some the funniest stuff I’ve read in a long time! Yeah, there’s some impressive AI coming out, but the idea that any of it is self-aware is just hilarious.
His point while laughable isn’t wrong for this reason. Technically you arn’t fully self aware but that’s a complicated topic for another time.

Bottom line AI is very real.
Technically speaking, we’ve had AI for a while now
We’ve has VI (virtual intelligence), little more than a dog compared to a human. It can do tricks and make even fetch your slippers but it can’t reason.
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