Thank you.=Vonsalza;14871268]I’m sorry to hear it.
Except that in a truly free market, one has choices. That isn’t the case with government healthcare. The greater the power, the less the freedom.Obviously, we don’t have to walk to far to find examples in the private market as well. Again, rule of marginal analysis…
Not if we follow the enumerated powers. The interstate highway system was edged through a tiny opening - necessary for defense. There is no such doorway. If it is a right, government is obligated to leave it alone. If we’ve decided to allow the government to usurp that right, then call it what it is, an authoritarian government power.Me too. And one of those enumerated powers seems to be the ability to create new programs, like the Interstate Highway System or the soon-coming U.S. Single-Payer Healthcare System.
That is, frankly, a dangerous attitude. It is that attitude that is slowly eroding away individual liberty, including free speech, religious free exercise, the right to keep and bear arms, due process, and many others. If the individual rights, limited government and liberty are simply “past attitudes”, then there is nothing left to fight for, and the statist tyrants.Those are dead men. While we owe them gratitude for shaping our government’s origin, we owe them no obligation to let them shape its development.
As reading current attitudes into past events is anachronism, so too is trying to read past attitudes into current events.
As long as it follows the teachings of Christ, which does not include coercion. But it isn’t rhetorical to want to preserve the individual rights of my progeny.I obviously do as well, seeing as the rhetoric flies both ways. Thus why I campaign whenever I can that all Americans should be able to get access to good care, regardless of their income. Such a system is the only system for followers of Christ.