Here is my study of the moral dilemma. I welcome constructive thoughts!!
Seems most fall into one of two camps:
1.) HELP refugees — regardless of the unintended consequences
2.) DON’T HELP refugees — b/c very real consequences exist
Both sides agree upon the “ACT” and “INTENTION” font*. Since both sides agree upon the “ACT” and the “INTENTION”; then the division is over the third font, (aka. “CIRCUMSTANCE”). The circumstance is settled by determining if the reasonably anticipated positive outcomes outweigh the reasonably anticipated negative outcomes.
What is reasonably anticipated?
*]Grass-root Terrorism
*]Immediate suffering of refugees
*]Economic cost, cultural effects, social welfare strain, etc. Are probably remote effects given refugees < 500,000.
We can be reasonably certain some level of unintended consequences will arise. Some levels of grass-root terrorist activity is reasonably certain, although major terrorist activity is uncertain. On the flip-side, we are beyond reasonably certain that immediate suffering is taking place.
***My take: Given the reasonably anticipated outcomes, can Christians ignore immediate suffering due to the possibility that a negative consequence may later arise from it? No, we must help the refugees although there is likely to be negative consequences later from the action. ***
*What do I mean by both sides agree upon the ACT/INTENTION? Both sides agree the act of helping someone in desperate need is a good action and both sides intend for the good to occur, not the bad outcome.