The Most Deplorable Organization in America

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Because I am also Progressive. Science is against you also. Pro choice for me.
Galen certainly is part of the history of science. However, why do you need to use your own lungs to get logos and/or pneuma and/or oxygen into your blood? That is a legal demarcation point in societies that allow abortion at any stage, while simultaneously forbidding infanticide. What is the scientific significance of using your own lungs?
by the time of Lucretius, this account was supplemented, (for example, by the clinamen of Epicurus), and in stoic physics, the pneuma assumed the role of logos. Galen believed the lungs draw pneuma from the air, which the blood communicates throughout the body.
There’s an interesting subtext here. What should we subtract from human society to get information about how things are when they are “left to nature”? For example, should we subtract technologies or moral principles?
No, we shouldn’t subtract technology. Regarding practices in ancient societies the problem with those is we have an obligation to support life. This means we can’t not feed or shelter babies or for that matter adults.
Indeed. Anyone who disagrees needs to read this article.
The woman survived. What was done to her we would not tolerate being done to any other creature in this day and age.
Her testimony is undoubtedly touching, and if only all could see it through her eyes. What is disheartening is that minds and hearts remain shut like a steel trap, their eyes blinded, their hearts hardened, their minds unwilling and incapable of understanding.
Because I am also Progressive. Science is against you also. Pro choice for me.
Sorry- you are speaking contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Please, don’t refer to yourself as a “Catholic” until you return to communion with the Catholic Church.
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