I’m not Catholic wow crazy. If you’re going to try and convert me good luck. But anyway I’m interested in what you see as the nature of sin, and how it affects humans.
If you’d like a little starting place to begin to think here’s what I believe.
I believe man is of a sinful nature, and wicked. Are desires are wicked , are actions are evil and, we are helplessly against God. It takes The LORD revealing himself to produce any good in man. When Christ died on the cross he took the punishment of all sin(of the elect) in his death. That does not mean the believers do not sin but their sin has already been forgiven and they can do nothing to tear themselves away from Christ.
That’s my little shpeal so let me know what Catholics believe.
If you’d like a little starting place to begin to think here’s what I believe.
I believe man is of a sinful nature, and wicked. Are desires are wicked , are actions are evil and, we are helplessly against God. It takes The LORD revealing himself to produce any good in man. When Christ died on the cross he took the punishment of all sin(of the elect) in his death. That does not mean the believers do not sin but their sin has already been forgiven and they can do nothing to tear themselves away from Christ.
That’s my little shpeal so let me know what Catholics believe.