In theory, the universe can be eternal. Thomas Aquinas believed the finitude of the universe could not be proved via philosophical reasoning. He differed from Bonaventure sinificantly in that respect.
If one intends to defeat the argument they have to challenge premise 1. Everything that follows rests on that premise.Thank you.
I think the best position for atheist to take is that the universe is eternal because that is what we observe in science. Something can not be destroyed to nothing therefore things will continue to exist infinitely. Nothing can become something. Therefore things have existed infinitely in the past.
I don’t see why. Especially considering that i never said that there has to be absolutely nothing to begin with.To defeat the atheist position you have to show there must be absolutely nothing to begin with
I don’t see how. I don’t see a way round it.Could it be that necessary reality is fully actual in one or more respect, but not in others?
So this "space-time"you are talking about is not a part of the universe; it existed before it insomuch as it caused the universe to exist?. Why do you call it space-time?I’m actually trying to say that the one “thing” that permeates all the universe and may have caused it into existence is space-time.
The antithesis of nothing can be all reality but not the source of all reality.the absolute antithesis of nothing and is the source of all reality.
You are assuming what you want to prove. You assume that there is a source which is the antithesis of nothing. The antithesis of nothing could be something without a source.That something is the absolute antithesis of nothing and is the source of all reality.
What does that mean and why does that contradict what i am saying?The antithesis of nothing could be something without a source.