I think there are two ways we can show this to be necessary. One is by process of elimination which i presented in premise 8…Of course this model does not address how these states arose, or what rules govern an individual’s awareness of progress through them, or how those rules arose. If we are not to get stuck in an infinite regression loop, we must postulate some factor external to time and space, which must therefore be unchanging. This is IwantGod’s “necessary non-physical cause of reality”.
But is it necessarily intelligent?
I then go on to point out that an intellect is the only option left. But you obviously disagree.There are only two types of causes, natural and intelligent. Because necessary reality is not physical it cannot function as a physical or natural cause. It is not a natural process.
Another argument would involve the consistent behavior of unnecessary beings, the fact that they consistently act to particular ends even though their natures are not necessary…
We can go over that later on, but for now i need to do some things. I will be back.
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