The oddity of the LGBT alliance

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That is an EXCELLENT point.

It’s what happens when people become pawns of a cause, which is exactly what GLBT folks are.

If I were them, I wouldn’t trust the bandwagon virtue-signaling for 1 second. Just wait and watch them sell everyone out should sharia law become cool.
But also, kids are exposed to more sexual content and ideas, both osa and ssa, because of the internet. I wonder how this will play out in the long term…
Sadly, a lot of that depends on censorship trends. There’s a lot of different sources they can tap for pretty useful information for now at least, but the Silicon Valley giants are squeezing the noose.
I think even most gay and bisexual adults wouldn’t tell a 10-year-old with confidence to call themselves “gay”. The general advice is “wait and see, but don’t hate yourself”. There are a lot of kids “coming out” at school or on Youtube or whatever, but that’s not really because of grown-ups telling them to, so far as I can tell. When you get to ages like 15 or 16, yeah, grown-ups will tell them to self-define, and I don’t know if that is the worst advice they could give, considering. At least if there are years and years of stable attraction.
It’s how kids between 13-22 communicate today.
I notice that the author doesn’t mention contraception as an anti-nature thing… but that’s what it is. I notice that a lot of these Catholic complainers don’t talk about that; are they afraid of alienating their contracepting friends? Even Martin Luther called it a sin worse than adultery and incest—and I think the reason he said this is because it’s a sin worse than adultery and incest.
Most people don’t understand this with all of the rhetoric about over-population from secular left academia and media, but contraception is going to be driving a population fall-out by the turn of the next century. Not even confident forces like conservative Islam have an answer, nor do 1st and 2nd world governments paying people to have more kids.
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I sexually identify as a male, not a universal gender pronoun such as “swim”, or “ze”.
Is that seriously a thing? I wouldn’t be surprised
Not only a thing, but you can be disciplined in certain places (Canada, I think?) if you refuse to abide by people’s preferred pseudopronoun.
Not only a thing, but you can be disciplined in certain places (Canada, I think?) if you refuse to abide by people’s preferred pseudopronoun.
I live in Canada. I’m taking law courses, should the time arise that I get charged with “misusing” someone’s preferred pronoun. If I get reprimanded Because of Bill C-16 I will personally explain to the courts that my Charter Rights are violated
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California now has some of those oddball laws either in place or working their way thru.

Hey, we’re not the cereal state for nothin you know.
I’ve seen it go as far as LGBTQIA! It’s alphabet soup and full of confusion. Like you said, transgenders weren’t initially accepted. Now, most draw the line at intersex and asexual. :crazy_face: It’s absolutely insane.
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