The Political Left is Ruining Sports

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stand at attention for national anthem
uniformed military unfurls flag on field
military jets buzz stadium

Conservative: this is good, and nonpolitical

women have nerve to suggest they should be paid the same as men and that non-white and LGBT people should be treated equally

Conservative: Keep politics out of sports!
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The right is all,about conserving freedoms whereas the left is about taking them away in lieu of government control over every aspect of the citizenry’s life
And again, we could flip that same statement and insert whatever political parties/ideologies you wish because it’s a matter of perspective, not a quantitative, objective measure in most cases. I don’t really intend to debate politics with you - I’m just pointing out that you can always make your preference the good guys and your dislikes the bad guys in these things, because they’re emotionally driven.
They’re not. I don’t want to give away the movie but Daniel Craig is still James Bond.
The right is all,about conserving freedoms whereas the left is about taking them away in lieu of government control over every aspect of the citizenry’s life
Providing that those freedoms are only extended to those who are not a minority.
Miristu,I just reported your vile comment to me you should be suspended for being so crude and out of line!
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this is why I stick to equestrian sports… men and women compete equally for the same money. And I’ve never heard anyone make a political comment at an awards ceremony or in the winner’s circle.
Equestrian sports are among the oldest sports in the world, so there has been plenty of time to work out the glitches and have a sport that is fairly free of controversial plays and calls.

OTOH, it’s so expensive. Equestrian sports consistently rank among the most expensive sports in th world, followed closely by figure skating. We chose figure skating. No wonder we still owe nearly 2/3 of our mortgage even after 30 years of paying that mortgage!
Some would say that sports has been ruining itself for the past several years, or perhaps more accurately, the antics of some of the participants have been ruining sports.

No actually it’s SafeSport that is ruining sports.

Another report this week of a figure skating competition (just a local one, mainly with children and teens competing) that is not providing locker rooms for the competitors because they can’t get enough people willing to volunteer.

Changing into figure skating gear (the outfits, the mondors, the makeup and hair, and the skates) is kind of difficult in the car in the parking lot. The hotel is an option, but driving to the competition in your gear is kind of uncomfortable.

Are the parents and other volunteers lazy? Hardly! Figure skating parents are historically willing to put in 48 hour shifts working to keep the competitions, ice shows, and other skating events running!

But now, people are afraid to volunteer because if, God forbid, something happens (bullying, sexual impropriety, even someone telling an off-color joke in the locker room that makes another skater feel "uncomfortable)–the parent who was signed up to be the Locker Room Monitor during that time is treated like a criminal. They generally get banned from the sport for life, and once the news is released to the public, they may lose their job, their standing in the community, memberships in any club or organization outside of the rink, and possibly even be banned from entering their church or their children’s school!

This year, one of the sport’s champions killed himself because once SafeSport got hold of him, he was banned from the rink and the SPORT for a lifetime (his only livelihood, BTW)–on the command of SafeSport, not because of any legal conviction of any wrongdoing!

I am not exaggerating to say that unless SafeSport is reigned in, the sport of figure skating may end. Earlier this year, United States Figure Skating made a pitiful attempt to modify SafeSport’s draconian approach, and the Power that they possess to levy punishments EVEN BEFORE FORMAL CHARGES HAVE BEEN MADE, and before any conviction is pronounced in a court of law.! What law?? SafeSport is a Law unto themselves, answerable to no one but themselves!

United States Figure Skating, that proud organization that has sent figure skaters to the Olympics since the Winter Olympics began (Figure skating was a charter sport ) backed away and withdrew their request. So sad.

It could probably be argued that SafeSport is a Child of the Political Left, where government is entangled with every aspect of life in the United States. I have to say that SafeSport is one “chlid” that I wish the Left would have aborted.
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Does anybody remember the Olympic boycotts of 1976, 1980 and 1984? They accomplished exactly nothing. Sports and politics don’t mix, or rather, sports and politics don’t mix well.
stand at attention for national anthem
uniformed military unfurls flag on field
military jets buzz stadium

Conservative: this is good, and nonpolitical
The big reason for this is that the military spends $$$$$$ on advertising for NFL games. Prior to the $$$$$$, the players and teams weren’t on the field for the national anthem. They were in the locker rooms prepping for the game. which is the way it should be. For crying out loud, I know I’m in the US. I don’t need to be reminded of it at every stinkkn’ sports event from Little League to the Super Bowl.
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What’s nonsense?
Back in the 1970s the NFL players weren’t on the field for the national anthem except at the Super Bowl.

People have more reverence for the anthem and the flag than they do for church.
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I can’t really complain if a sports star uses their platform to push for their politics or religion or what have you. I can’t imagine that Jesus or Paul, given such a platform, would stay quiet because people “just want sports” or some other excuse. As such, I don’t find using the platform the problem, just the ideas preached, but that should call us to address the ideas, not tell people to shut up.
Politicians would start pitching their favorite teams instead of arguing policy, causing firestorm debate in congress over which team is best.
Hmm…that might not be such a bad idea…🤔
stand at attention for national anthem
uniformed military unfurls flag on field
military jets buzz stadium

Conservative: this is good, and nonpolitical
And at baseball games, they’ll play “God Bless America”.

I guess more along the lines of Rapinoe, I don’t recall the religious right getting bent out of shape over Tim Tebow.
No actually it’s SafeSport that is ruining sports.
I didn’t know anything about this so thanks for bringing it to my attention!

And add me to the,”I could care less what your politics are” camp…I’m there to watch the game! Or athlete! Or competition! I don’t really want to hear about your politics, religion or favorite ice cream.
But in general I never listen to post game interviews or celebratory speeches after a grand victory.
This is where I’m at. I listen to sports talk radio every day, but almost every time they interview an athlete, I change the channel. If I listen, they are generally going to do one of these three things that are a waste of my time:
  • say nothing other than just vacuous sports platitudes they are trained to say
  • prove to me how brainless they are (this is common with NFL interviews)
  • talk politics
The only time I find that athletes say something interesting is after they’ve retired and they’re willing to talk about the behind-the-scenes stories of what really happened on their team. Those interviews are goldmines!
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