Only in the world of the leftists is typical, long-established respect for the nation’s anthem and military confused with being political.
Give me people who don’t see support of the military or the anthem as provocative and divisive any day. It doesn’t matter if the military is paying for flyover time or not; the fact that a flyover or presentation of colors is seen as controversial or political highlights the problem with being a leftist in America. Everything traditionally good is now evil.
It was obvious to everyone else that the Op is referring to sports endorsing and running with political causes, be it a pro-NRA agenda by Bob Costas at halftime, or an equal-pay push by the women’s soccer team. If these folks want to go tweet or attend rallies on their own time, I doubt many people would care. Invariably, you are going to turn off half of your fan base, if not more, with these sorts of stunts. It is easier for the folks defending this stuff to do so because the agenda being pushed in modern sports is a liberal one.
I am guessing if the pulpit was used to promote Trump’s immigration policies, scrapping the ACA, or lowering taxes, we would suddenly want politics out of our sports again. Or we could be like Ravelry, which just selectively wants to allow the discussion of what they want; opposite opinions are not welcome, which is a sign of how ineffectual their beliefs and stances are. They cannot stand up to an opposing view, or they are such a bunch of nancys that they cannot stand to have their precious beliefs questioned.
And to the person who referenced Tim Tebow, the man performed a celebratory gesture when he scored, like every other player. For him, it was bowing his head. If you think this is comparable to using air-time or podium-time to promote some cause, well then you are in a distinct minority and it would probably be best to avoid an otherwise serious discussion on this topic.