The Politics of Racism

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I really hope so. My wife is about to have 30 days of radiation treatment, and she’s very nervous about it (even though the chemotherapy wasn’t bad, everyone says that radiation wil be painful) so I may have to go to New York.
She will be in my prayers from now on.

I look forward to talking at the Rose Dinner.
Okay. I thought you were from Mountain Home.
A lot of people mistake Mountain View for Mountain Home and vice-versa. Just like people think Conway is in Conway County, or Searcy is in Searcy County.
Asian Catholic:
I definitely think it is unfair. If one group is allowed to preserve their cultural and ethnic heritage, then I think all groups should be allowed to do the same.
Well, depends, becuase if those born OUTSIDE the USA come here, they should make an effort to learn the American culture, instead of always wanting to fly here their own country’s flag. There is probably more racism between asians against asians: example, chinese Versus Japanese, Koreans versus Chinese etc. etc etc. Also this happens with the hispanic culture, five people from five different spanish speaking countries will always say, “well, back in my country things are better etc” than in YOUR country. I was born here but my parents came here in the 1950’s, early part. And I have experience MORE racism from OTHER NON whites, than from the whites themselves. Actually to be honest with you, PERSONALLY, (and I went to an almost all white University) I have never experienced any type of racism from whites.
Well, depends, becuase if those born OUTSIDE the USA come here, they should make an effort to learn the American culture, instead of always wanting to fly here their own country’s flag. There is probably more racism between asians against asians: example, chinese Versus Japanese, Koreans versus Chinese etc. etc etc. Also this happens with the hispanic culture, five people from five different spanish speaking countries will always say, “well, back in my country things are better etc” than in YOUR country. I was born here but my parents came here in the 1950’s, early part. And I have experience MORE racism from OTHER NON whites, than from the whites themselves. Actually to be honest with you, PERSONALLY, (and I went to an almost all white University) I have never experienced any type of racism from whites.
My basic observations:

Japan is 97% pure Japanese, and the remaining 3% Koreans are not allowed to vote or become legal citizens. Japan is very protective of their heritage and have an extremely strict immigration policy.

China is virtually all pure Chinese, and they overall have a “racist” attitude towards non-Chinese and believe culture/ethnic mixing is a negative action.

It is 100 times more difficult for an American to become a citizen of Mexico than vice versa.

Israel for the most part only allows ethnic Jews to immigrate, and a common theme among top politicians are Rabbis is the “deluting of the Jewish ethnicity” by allowing Gentiles to immigrate. For example, there is much mainstream antagonism towards the Blacks who practice Judaism and live in Israel, and antagonism towards Sharone’s claim that he will import the remaining Black Jews from Ethiopia. There is also a growing sentiment to “ethnically cleanse” the Israeli-Arab citizens. Virtually all nations that have a non-European majority have a very “racist” attitude towards outsiders. Yet only European-majority nations are denounced as “racist” for wanting to reduce immigration of non-Europeans.

In America, there is racial pride events for all races except Whites: there is Asian pride, Hispanic pride, Black pride, Indian pride, Jewish pride, and so forth. These are all considered respectable behaviors, but White pride is considered “evil Neo-Nazi racist KKK-supporting bigotry.” Hence my claim that there is a racial double standard with regards to “racism.”

White pride is considered “evil Neo-Nazi racist KKK-supporting bigotry.” Hence my claim that there is a racial double standard with regards to “racism.”
Maybe that’s because we are constantly reminded of the attrocities that our race has committed in the past. :cool:
You want to know something funny? At the local annual “Italian Fest”, there are probably just as many African-Americans in attendance as Italians. Just thought that was an interesting observation.
Maybe that’s because we are constantly reminded of the attrocities that our race has committed in the past. :cool:
You want to know something funny? At the local annual “Italian Fest”, there are probably just as many African-Americans in attendance as Italians. Just thought that was an interesting observation.
As a friend who is Black reminds me every March 17th, “On this day, everyone is Irish.”

So are we all “black” on Martin Luther King day? 😃 I sure do like my black friend’s BBQ!!! 🙂
Why not? As I point out to my friend, there was a great Viking raid through the Mediterranean around 1000 AD. Many of these Vikings were based in Ireland (the cities of Ireland were established by Vikings.)

The Irish chroniclers reported the vast amount of loot they brought back – including slaves described as “fir gorm” – blue men.

How many of us are descended from those fir gorm?
vern humphrey:
Why not? As I point out to my friend, there was a great Viking raid through the Mediterranean around 1000 AD. Many of these Vikings were based in Ireland (the cities of Ireland were established by Vikings.)

The Irish chroniclers reported the vast amount of loot they brought back – including slaves described as “fir gorm” – blue men.

How many of us are descended from those fir gorm?
I could be, as we do not know who my Mother’s biological father is.We have reason to believe he was an Irish man from my Nana’s past. :rolleyes:
A lot of this happened in the south, too. Like the mulatto (sp?) balls in New Orleans. I’ve heard that these blended families still cause scandal in some circles. Like people who think they are “white” find out they have “black” ancestors. Do you think that the stigma against interracial marriages is as bad as it used to be?
I could be, as we do not know who my Mother’s biological father is.We have reason to believe he was an Irish man from my Nana’s past. :rolleyes:
A lot of this happened in the south, too. Like the mulatto (sp?) balls in New Orleans. I’ve heard that these blended families still cause scandal in some circles. Like people who think they are “white” find out they have “black” ancestors. Do you think that the stigma against interracial marriages is as bad as it used to be?
I graduated from High School in 1958 in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas. Some of my school mates had Black ancestry, and were quite open about it – and nobody made anything of it.
vern humphrey:
I graduated from High School in 1958 in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas. Some of my school mates had Black ancestry, and were quite open about it – and nobody made anything of it.
Cool 👍 You know, this thread has really got me thinking! 🙂
Asian Catholic:
My basic observations:

Japan is 97% pure Japanese, and the remaining 3% Koreans are not allowed to vote or become legal citizens. Japan is very protective of their heritage and have an extremely strict immigration policy.

China is virtually all pure Chinese, and they overall have a “racist” attitude towards non-Chinese and believe culture/ethnic mixing is a negative action.

It is 100 times more difficult for an American to become a citizen of Mexico than vice versa.

Israel for the most part only allows ethnic Jews to immigrate, and a common theme among top politicians are Rabbis is the “deluting of the Jewish ethnicity” by allowing Gentiles to immigrate. For example, there is much mainstream antagonism towards the Blacks who practice Judaism and live in Israel, and antagonism towards Sharone’s claim that he will import the remaining Black Jews from Ethiopia. There is also a growing sentiment to “ethnically cleanse” the Israeli-Arab citizens. Virtually all nations that have a non-European majority have a very “racist” attitude towards outsiders. Yet only European-majority nations are denounced as “racist” for wanting to reduce immigration of non-Europeans.

In America, there is racial pride events for all races except Whites: there is Asian pride, Hispanic pride, Black pride, Indian pride, Jewish pride, and so forth. These are all considered respectable behaviors, but White pride is considered “evil Neo-Nazi racist KKK-supporting bigotry.” Hence my claim that there is a racial double standard with regards to “racism.”

Again, you are grouping all hispanics together. THEY all dislike EACH other, and are all culturally different. I love the Spaniards though.
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