But that does not explain how owning a deeply hidden, inactive nuke which nobody knows the code for is intrinsically wrong.
The church has always known that theft, rape, and murder are always wrong, but nobody has yet explained how owning a deeply buried, hidden deactivated nuke that nobody knows about brings about a state of nuclear mortal sin.
A thief has stolen from somebody, a rapist has sinned against an innocent woman (or child or man), a murderer has taken a life that he had no right to take, and Christ would disapprove of all of those, but how does a useless piece of military hardware hidden deep underground produce intrinsic damage to one’s soul? How does this outrage Christ more than handing it over to, let’s face the truth of it now, a probably corrupt organizations of power-hungry men?
Does God change? How is it that the Son of God gave us an incomplete deposit of faith? How can new sins be declared by mere mortals? That is the problem.