In this quotation from his coronation sermon Innocent is describing the dignity of the papal office, not the man, who may be as frail a sinner as anyone (although we pray he won’t be).
Interesting - I didn’t see the reference to the office in his sermon.
How do we know from his statements that he “may be as frail a sinner as anyone” since he himself said that “he judges all and is judged by none”? Could it be that Innocent III was asserting not just the dignity of office but also his personal temporal power?
In this same vein, the statements you cite that he made later:
But he, whom the pre-eminence of dignity exalts, is humbled by his vocation as a servant, that so humility may be exalted and pride be cast down; for God is against the high-minded, and to the lowly He shows mercy; and whoso exalteth himself shall be abased.
beg the question: How is this humility exhibited? By issuing interdicts against entire countries, France for example?
In issuing the interdict against France the goal was to create POLITICAL pressure to force Phillip to take back his lawful wife.
How does the sin of adultery or bigamy of one man earn a nine month interdict against an entire country or region?
If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'you would not have condemned the innocent. Mt. 12:7
If excommunication and interdict were effective tools in the Middle Ages to reunite husbands and wives, why the reticence to employ them now for the same goal or to correct worse sins such as abortion or capital punishment?
Jesus said that His kingdom “is not of this world”. Does that apply to the Pope as far as Innocent’s involvement in the political realm goes?
Innocent III’s reign marks the high point of Papal political power. If that involvement in politics is legitimate then why has it been largely discarded? If it is not legitimate, then why was it pursued to begin with?
To quote Boniface VIII, “I am Caesar, I am the emperor.”
Also his statement in the Unam Sanctum is telling, “we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” He is not referring to issues solely of Faith and Morals here. He is making a claim of temporal obedience to the pope being a requirement for salvation.