The Poster After Me

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No I don’t but I have two beta fish named Frank and Stein (if you say it out loud you’ll get the joke).
TPAM liked elementary school better than high school.
😞 It’s true… by the Catholic Church 🎉:confetti_ball:yay! 😊

TPAM has a pirate in the family tree
No but I did spend a lot of time in the garden shed.

TPAM loves mowing the grass! 🌾

(Can you believe it…no mower emoji!)
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Don’t hate it, but not wild about it either. We don’t have a lawn at our primary residence, though, so it’s not something I have to think about often.

TPAM sings while driving.
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I can’t drive yet, but I’m sure I will! I love singing and sing pretty much everywhere.
The poster after me has seen the 2004 movie The Phantom of the Opera and loved it.
I liked it especially when…no, that was watership down, sorry no, the Titanic. These singing films get all mixed up in my head sometimes.

TPAM once had a secret admirer! 😃
Not that I know of 😉

TPAM once had a crush on someone and that person never found out about it. :female_detective:
Only once? Ha!
The poster after me has been receiving a ton of catalogs in the mail.
Not really, but I caught a lad trying to push a large ball through my letter box. I said “hey, what’s this?” He said “just a circular.”

TPAM has a metal detector
No, doesn’t matter what the potted plant is—I will kill it eventually so there’s no point in having a favorite :roll_eyes:

TPAM gets seasick. 🤢
No. Although I got a wee bit queasy a couple of times in very stormy seas.
TPAM knows someone who sleepwalks.
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