Lisa N:
Well so far no one has explained how paying someone millions will erase the past or make it all better. However be that as it may, I don’t think there is so much argument about some kind of financial award as how much. Is a million bucks enough to overcome the trauma of having Father X pat you on the rear? Honestly some of the awards vis a vis the actual accusations seem out of line. Some of the victims reported only a single incident and have not tied the incident to any subsequent trauma or mental health issue. In most civil cases, the plaintiff must prove damages. In this case the Church is guilty and the payments are punative and unrelated to the consequences of the abuse.
I have read that the majority of victims a few years ago got between 20 and 50 thousand dollars. Not alot of money when you think of how much a therapist or counselor costs per hour, and how many hours or lifetimes would a person need to start the lifetime process of recovery. As for generalizing that Father X only patted you on the rear, I believe that is about as naive as you can get. My friend was brutally sodomized over and over, but it really is more about the mental anguish of trusting a man of God and then having them betray you in such a horrific, barbaric, evil way. Surely I must be misunderstanding you if you think that certain types of abuse are ok. Also, how can you possibly know if some of the victims have tied the incident to any subsequent trauma or mental health issues or not? Have they all told you? Why is it ok for the church to send predator priests to fabulous retreats for rehabilitation and not pay victims a just amount. I would really like to know how much it costs to send a priest to rehab. If hundreds of thousands or millions can be spent on predator rehab centers, why can’t victims get the same type of rehab and or money? After all, they did nothing wrong.
*There is a reason there is a statute of limitations. If you have ever been involved with a legal case, the reality is that after some point in time, it is almost impossible to prove guilt or innocence. Many of the cases are against priests that have been dead for decades. How does a priest or diocese defend a case when it is only the word of the complaintant against a dead priest? *
You can call it ‘hiding’ behind the statute but why should it this limitation be tossed out just for this case? I guess I should be able to sue the dentist who molested me, my sister and my best friend although it happened thirty years ago and he’s dead right?
Right is right and wrong is wrong. That should be decided in the courts and it shouldn’t matter how long ago it happened. Perhaps that is why some restrictions have been lifted by the church recently. Evidently even they knew that the church needed to be less rigid about that, not all have however. There is no statute of limitations on murder and cases have been prosecuted years and years after the fact, even after the deaths of key witnesses. If there is no statute of limitations on murder, then in my humble opinion there should be none for rape either. Children’s lives were destroyed and their souls were murdered.
*Well having never heard of any fundraisers for CONVICTED abusers, I can’t really relate to the comment. So your friend knows that the priest is evil, does that mean he doesn’t deserve to have his day in court? *
I have. Put yourself for a minute in the place of a raped child or his parents. How would you feel if people rallied around this man who raped you and essentially called you a liar. That’s why many victims never come forward. Who needs to be victimized over and over again.
*Again are these CONVICTED priests or accused priests? Since there have been numerous instances where completely innocent priests were accused and then the case was found to have no merit, do you think that accused priests should be treated differently than any other accused? The law is not perfect but it’s what we have. *
Convicted. I will agree with your last sentence however. You must remember though that the church has deep pockets, and are able to hire junkyard dog lawyers and brutalize a victim back into submission. Most middle class people don’t have the resources or the resiliance. Only when a priest admits it or there are multiple victims is it really clear. Didn’t Geoghan have something like 87 victims? In how many other walks of life would
someone be able to rack up victims of those numbers?
So I still disagree, it’s not ALL about the victims. There are always others who are impacted and sometimes it’s the innocent priest who is the victim.
Lisa N*
*We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. I will always say it is about the victims, and I will always go to bat for the true victims. If it’s a priest who absolutely did nothing wrong, I will go to bat for him also. *
*I don’t know how i messed this up, but I’m sorry. I somehow got my response in italics, and didn’t mean to so I underlined instead. *