and when you negate everything, what do you have? nothing. something that doesnt exist.
what is the universe but a collection of beings? the universe is no more than the sum of its parts. just as there is no human race aside from its individual members. so there is no such thing as a universe where nothing comes to exist. because then you have no universe any more than you would have a human race if there were no people.
The universe is the sum total of all things. Any mathematician will tell you that it’s possible to have a sum of 0 (in fact, any 2nd grader could tell you this). Do you disagree?
If you agree, it’s hard to reconcile this agreement with your assertion that there can’t be a sum of no things. The sum of no things is zero. Pretty simple stuff, Pete. Therefore, we can have a universe (that is to say, a sum of all things) that possesses no things. For convenience, we often address this state as “nothingness” but that is very misleading because “-ness” suggests some form or essence.
Given this, do you deny that a universe of nothing (that is, no things) is possible? If you do, you’re going to have to prove to me that sums can never be zero, or that mathematical principles are not applicable to metaphysics (your brand of metaphysics, that is).
what? whats the difference in value between a world with bears and a world without?
Good question. I have another: What’s the difference between a universe with God and one without? Why is God (or, as you might put it, the form of existence itself) objectively valuable? Why is a universe without existence (that is, a universe without a positive sum) any worse off than one with existence?
you already admitted that you dont understand Aquinas. so if you refer to Him as “airy fairy” then you just belittle yourself.
Exactly. I don’t understand him because his explanations are only airy fairy rhetoric. There’s little to substantiate his metaphysical assumptions, and absolutely nothing to substantiate his assumption that the “uncaused cause” or “unmoved mover” is a sentient and sapient being. All you know about God from his arguments is that he’s supernatural. Big whoop. That’s not nearly enough to justify a religious position.
as to the definition of maximal, here.
That’s just swell. Now how do you define “greatness?” Very subjective, sir.
we can negate things from existence, right up to the point where you negate everything, which is nothing, as i showed above.
That’s like saying, “Well, you can take one step at a time. Heck, you can even walk a whole block. But there’s no way you can walk a mile.”
If some things can go without existing (again, misleading language here), then I don’t see any reason to think that we can’t go all the way. We’re back to your assertion that we can subtract from a positive number all day, but there’s no way that we can subtract until we have zero. That’s a no-no.
just about anyone who has ever had sex. do you think those dictums are fun to llive by?
Religious folks seem to have the idea that if morality is “too easy,” there’s no way it can be a plausible system. Some people want to live by difficult rules, if not only to create the illusion of discipline and acquired wisdom. I’ve seen it time and time again, even though I’m only young.
And I would certainly go without sex, gambling, drinking, etc., if it meant living forever in an eternal paradise. Those are small prices to pay, it would seem.
the keyword is “I” you only know what you wanted. you assume that everyone wants to be around their family and friends forever. thats not the case. most adults are quite happy to limit familial contact. your friends grow up and get married. its the nature of life to grow apart from the people you know as a child. but your still a child. you have a view of life from that perspective. its inane. you flat out have not the foggiest idea what your talking about.
Inane? Are you saying that my attachment to my friends and family isn’t substantial? Or were you referring to my observation (and it is just that, an observation)? The last time I checked, people still cry at funerals. Death is an aspect of reality nearly all of us wish to avoid, whether the victim is oneself or a family member.
youre right, none of them do. isnt that amazing? there is no other religion in the world that makes the same claims or can back them mathematically in the way we can.
Excuse me while I gag. :whacky:
i have physical evidence of G-d, the universe itself.
Even if we accept the uncaused cause argument, there’s no reason to assume that this is God. It could be Allah, for all you know.
i have eyewitness evidence for G-d, the dozens of books written about what He did and said, collected into the Bible.
So if I produced an extensive, ancient account of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, you would be convinced? They could have easily made it all up, probably for one of two reasons: a) they wanted it to be true or b) they wanted to have followers. What’s sad is that you probably believe that other religions have done the very same thing. :banghead: