The Problem With Prejudices That Target the Rich

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That is not true. In some sense, if you want to live and you want your family to live, you have to have money. In order to have money you have to work |(unless you have an inheritance or are able to siphon off money from government contracts, say as commission or similar). Now you are presented with a list of employers who will take you If you want a job, then you have little choice in most cases except to work for someone who is providing that opportunity for you to work for them.
It is completely true. You get to make a decision for how much you are willing to work for, and who you are willing to work for. You don’t have the right though to be shielded from the consequences of your decisions. If I decide to price my labor out of the market, I won’t have a job. That’s my choice and I am responsible for it. If I decide I don’t want to work for a specific employer, I have plenty of other options to choose from. The same goes for the company by the way. If they decide they want to underpay for the value of your labor, they end up either not being able to hire employees, have to settle for hiring lower skilled employees, or with high turnover rates that hurt their business. Both sides are responsible for their decisions. You are confusing your own responsibility as a free agent though with someone else’s free agency. What I mean is, when I work for someone there are two parties at the table, both of which are trying to exchange something for another good. The company wants to obtain your labor, you want to obtain financial compensation. You both have to agree on the exchange in order for their to be a transaction. If not, one or both of you are free to walk away from the transaction. What I am seeing in your statement is that you don’t seem to think that both sides should have equal say in what they are willing to exchange.
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Investing is the process of providing capital so that people’s labor can be put to useful work.
I would argue that’s a (very important) by-product of investing. Investors invest capital to make a return on the capital they invest. The level of return they receive is directly proportional to the amount of risk they take.
If there were any programs that did honest reviews of the Constitution, and if people actually listened to them, the two major parties would be gone in a short order. The Constitution is a threat to the major parties.
If there were any programs that did honest reviews of the Constitution, and if people actually listened to them, the two major parties would be gone in a short order.
Oftentimes with the two party system you are given two bad choices. It might help to have a multiparty system as they do in many other countries.
If you want to earn a living, you have to work. There’s nothing surprising about that. It’s been true since Adam and Eve left the garden of eden. Lately I have been astonished by the number of employers seeking and advertising for workers, and yet I know some people who need work who simply not apply for any job unless it meets their every specification. I don’t know if the next depression will reawaken the work ethic or not.
It is called TIVO
That’s what we have and I love it! I love searching for history programs and watching them, and when you do that, TiVO recognizes your interest and starts popping up all kinds of other programs that are within your interest areas! It’s great!

Since my young teen years, I have been interested in WWII, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power (in spite of his lack of education and experience), the Third Reich and daily life for Germans, and of course, the Holocaust.

I grew up with a lot of Jews in my neighborhood and my school, and my mother taught us about the Holocaust when we were young children. Also, my family on my dad’s side is German (great-grandparents came from Germany and settled in a section of Illinois that is primarily German), and my grandparents spoke German when I was growing up.

So I have always wondered what I would have done had I grown up in Germany–would I have gone along with the Nazis, or would I have taken a stand against them (and possibly paid for my choice with imprisonment and/or execution) ?

I hope I would have sided with the Jews and opposed the Nazi Party–but??? The question haunts me, because the vast majority of Germans DID side with Nazism.

So I watch a lot of shows about this on TiVO. I’m actually kind of worried that the government is keeping track of people, and that I’m on some kind of “watch list” for potential Nazi sympathizers!

Thankfully, I have a novel (juvenile fiction) published that is very anti-Nazi, so hopefully the Feds won’t come after me. But in this current time of ridding the country of all of us who are not perfect, you never know here in the U.S.!
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