The Problem With Prejudices That Target the Rich

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The only way to get rich is to overcharge your customers and underpay your staff. The billions left over go to a select few.
Not true, find a real problem and create a solution. No one forces a person to work for someone or a company. No one forces someone to buy a product. Only government can force you to so something you dont want to do. They can also force you to buy something you dont want to buy.
Walmart staff work close to minimum wages, so the Walton family can earn their billions.
Stop allowing those who enter this country illegally and end the H1B visa programs, you will see wages go up
You are wrong, your are envious, and you are spreading a lie that traps millions of people into thinking they can never advance in life.
I prefer to deal in kindness rather than money. I volunteer with Street Pastors, everything we do depends on prayer and we have to continually thank God for all the good things that keep happening.

A few years ago we spent time with a homeless girl and helped her sort her life out. I said we did not want anything in return, but in the future if she helps a stranger, she will pass a kindness on. She has since been to university and is helping people with mental health and drug problems.

We met a depressed girl who had been out of work for a long time. I encouraged her to come and do some voluntary work with me, she then found the confidence to get a full time job.

About fifteen years ago I inspired and helped a friend start up a business. He has made a million or two and owns a number of properties. About four years ago I helped two young girls start up a business, they are on their way towards a million. I said to them, I don’t want anything for helping you, but you are now in a position to help others and pass a kindness on.

I have witnessed the power of kindness and how it changes lives.
Stop allowing those who enter this country illegally and end the H1B visa programs, you will see wages go up
America invaded Iraq illegally according to the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The result was about two - three million Iraqi refugees, they have to go somewhere.
Stop allowing those who enter this country illegally and end the H1B visa programs, you will see wages go up
I doubt wages will go up, American companies will still contract out to Asia.
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State-funded medical education.
Where will the State get the money?


I realize that in the Scandinavian countries, people pay around 60% of their income to the Tax Man. BUT…in the Scandinavian countries, the work ethic is incredibly strong, and EVERYONE is expected to work–it’s part of their culture.

This is definitely not the case in the United States, where a large majority of people (including me and my husband!) would dearly LOVE to never ever have to work again! Much of our United States culture involves trying to get free of working!

Hey, CAF buds, in spite of the fact that I am 63 and still working full time with lots of overtime in my hospital lab, and my husband usually puts in 10 hours days in his computer job… the reality is that we really love sitting around on our cans, eating take-out food, and watching TV, and if a financial windfall that we didn’t earn or deserve made that possible for me and my husband, we would absolutely so live our lives in absolute laziness doing nothing at all, preferably at a lake home that we didn’t build ourselves!

Oh, we would give a lot of our windfall to worthy causes and of course, our Church. That’s part of being lazy–we would rather give money than do work!

I think it’s just part of the culture of life in the United States–many of us love “chillin” rather than “workin”! I admit it. I’m not proud of it, but it’s the real me and I admit it. Deep down, I would love to never work again, and I think many MANY Americans probably feel the same way–that’s why the Lotto is so popular in states like Illinois–the promise of lifelong income with no work!

This probably isn’t true for many here on CAF (or maybe they do but would never admit it like silly Peeps!), because there is a strong Catholic/Protestant work ethic, but outside of CAF and other religious settings, I suspect that many of us in the U.S. would love to not have to work ever.

I have this week off work, and other than shopping and cooking really good homemade food (which I don’t consider work, but play), I plan to do very little “work.”

So Balto, my point is that if most of our income will go to “taxes” to pay for all of us to be “equal,” then what motivates us to do something (work) that we generally want to avoid doing?! Do you honestly think that having our health care and all our health care workers, including doctors, provided by our taxes, would motivate people to keeping working for money that we don’t even get to keep?!

C’mon–most of us avoid going to the doctor until we are ready to drop over–many people, especially men, including men with good incomes and insurance, haven’t been to their doctor in years!

And frankly, most of what “the State” provides is pretty lame compared to what we can buy with our own money from private business. Ever heard of “guv’ment cheese?” Yuck. Most of what “the State” gets it hands on is sub-par.

I say, let the State provide the things that are mandated in the U.S. Constitution, and let’s continue allowing Americans to be free.
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In terms of long-term benefits to thw poor, every rich person giving away everything he/she has is the last thing you want. That would kill the productive potential of the economy overnight, which would not help the poor, long term. Thus it would be objectively a very uncharitable thing to do, even if well meaning.
People who want to help other people. It’s pretty telling that you think the only reason someone would become a doctor is for money.
There are a number of ways to help other people that don’t require the sacrifice people make to become doctors. If you want the smart people to become doctors instead going into another profession that requires less time, less sacrifice, less aggravation, less risk, less investment then you need to pay them.
I say, let the State provide the things that are mandated in the U.S. Constitution, and let’s continue allowing Americans to be free.
That would be ideal, but as long as the majority are Democrats and Republicans, there will never be any respect for the Constitution.
I doubt wages will go up, American companies will still contract out to Asia.
U.S. wages are stagnant or down over the past 40 years. Expenses like insurance and tech is up. Markets are unstable, and they can be taken advantage of by those with money, but those same unstable markets keep others from getting anywhere financially.

Add to that a steady increase in productivity over the past 40 years and what you get is an economic disaster waiting to materialize. The only thing holding it off is the printing of money to be distributed which just kicks the can down the road. This can’t happen forever. It’s not sustainable.

The last Great Depression was caused by stagnant wages and an increase in productivity over many years. Eventually people could not afford to spend their money on the goods that the warehouses at that time were filled with, and loans were called in by banks. That won’t happen again in the same way, but the same fundamental gap between productivity and wages is causing great disparities in wealth in this country. Eventually something will give.
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“Countless millions are starving, countless families are destitute, countless men are steeped in ignorance; countless people need schools, hospitals, and homes worthy of the name. In such circumstances, we cannot tolerate public and private expenditures of a wasteful nature; we cannot but condemn lavish displays of wealth by nations or individuals…”

Is that Saul Alinsky or Paul VI?
Methinks that’s Paul VI. But even if not it’s something he would have said, bless his soul.
That would be ideal, but as long as the majority are Democrats and Republicans, there will never be any respect for the Constitution.
Not to sure whether to laugh or cry over this comment. I believe you’re correct, though. Constitution, schmonstitution, as far as they’re concerned–it’s all about personal power, which is what the Constitution was written to prevent. I think it’s likely that they like the fact that kids aren’t studying the U.S. Constitution in school anymore.
No one forces a person to work for someone or a company.
That is not true. In some sense, if you want to live and you want your family to live, you have to have money. In order to have money you have to work |(unless you have an inheritance or are able to siphon off money from government contracts, say as commission or similar). Now you are presented with a list of employers who will take you If you want a job, then you have little choice in most cases except to work for someone who is providing that opportunity for you to work for them.
“Controlling the cost of production” = exploiting labor. It’s why worker productivity has skyrocketed since the early '70s but wages haven’t.
No it doesn’t. A laborer owns his labor and chooses to enter into a voluntary contract for a set salary or wage. If the laborer thinks his labor is worth more than the employer is willing to pay, they can take their labor elsewhere. Exploitation occurs when there is no voluntary exchange.
Walmart does it by paying employees so little that billions in government assistance goes to Walmart employees every year.
Again, Walmart pays its employees at roughly the 75th percentile of their industry. They are actually paying more on average than the market prices labor for that skillset. If you have an issue with the fair market value of entry level labor, then develop additional skills or go to the next company that pays better. Again, voluntary exchange here.
Amazon did it by grinding down human bodies in their warehouses.
Do you have any statistics to back this up? Sounds to me like unproven assertion rather than fact. By the way, I have worked in warehouses. Kinda familiar with the Amazon model of order fulfillment.
"The most barbarous fact in all christendom is the labor market. The mere term sufficiently expresses the animalism of commercial civilization.
Stupidest quote of the day. In the marketplace there are two goods, capital and labor. When I seek employment with a company whether it be as an entry level laborer, or a doctor, I am offering to provide my labor in exchange for goods or money with which I can buy goods. This has literally always been the case. It isn’t dehumanizing to sell my labor as a valuable commodity. My time has value, and I am happy to provide it in exchange for goods and services that I equally value. Also, Eugene V. Debs was a communist who would say that I have no right to determine the value of my own labor, so essentially he was into slavery.
Like Debs said, the capitalist sees human beings just like products on a shelf, to be used and discarded.
No, that is exactly what communists believe as is evidenced by the Gulag systems, Progroms, and Maoist leaps that resulted in the deaths of millions. Capitalists believe that both labor and management make free will transactions with one another and are free to accept or reject the offer of the other side. That’s called liberty, which Debs rejected.
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Hard work, living below your means, saving regularly, and persistence is surely a good method to grow rich slowly.
This is absolutely true. Especially living below your means. Just because you make it doesn’t mean it all needs to get spent. But too many people do not know how to live below their means. They don’t save or they start too late. They justify their spending and have nothing to retire on.
What do you think investing is? It’s just amassing wealth produced by other people’s labor.
No it isn’t. Investing is the process of providing capital so that people’s labor can be put to useful work. In return the investor gains a dividend of the profits generated by the combination of capital and labor, both of which are required to provide goods and services that the public buys. Otherwise, the labor just sits idle, as does the capital. And oh by the way, laborers can participate in this process through stock grants, purchase of mutual funds which tend to be reasonably priced, purchase of stocks, company provided stock purchase options , 401K contributions, etc., that many companies not only provide, but voluntarily contribute to as part of benefit compensation packages.

I am thinking Debs didn’t know anything about economics.
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Neither are voters.
I’d laugh at the joke–but it’s not a joke, I know.

I think we should all make a deal–let’s add more extensive black history studies at all grades, especially in middle and high school–and let’s correlate that with more extensive studies of the U.S. Constitution and the history of this great document (including amendments that didn’t get ratified).

I frankly wish that instead of showing so many junky CSI shows and probably ANOTHER season of SVU (in which the detectives get to spend ALL their time on ONE rape case–definitely not real life!), and yet ANOTHER “talent” show with judges and buzzers and a million dollar prize going to someone that we will never see or hear again–why can’t we get all the television networks to agree to air at least one hour per day, preferably at varied times so that all people working all hours can see some of it–of educational programming of black history and U.S. Constitution history?

Wouldn’t that be something? Especially if the shows could be made by great filmakers like Ken Burns (I’m currently watching his history of the Dust Bowl series–sooooo goood!!!).

I think that would be a way for the “liberal” entertainment media to demonstrate that they are serious about their supposed committment to ending racism in the U.S. It’s easy to talk about it when you live in a rarified atmosphere (the entertainment industry) and have little contact with people who live in cities and towns all over the U.S., not just the Big Three (L.A., Chicago, and NYC).
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I frankly wish that instead of showing so many junky CSI shows and probably ANOTHER season of SVU (in which the detectives get to spend ALL their time on ONE rape case–definitely not real life!), and yet ANOTHER “talent” show with judges and buzzers and a million dollar prize going to someone that we will never see or hear again–why can’t we get all the television networks to agree to air at least one hour per day, preferably at varied times so that all people working all hours can see some of it–of educational programming of black history and U.S. Constitution history?
They could very well make shows like that, and people won’t watch them. Most people want to be entertained when they watch tv. People that are interested in black history, Constitution history and anything else like that will search for documentaries or look on the internet.

Never forget that TV is a business, not a public service. They program whatever is good for business.
sure, what ever you say. People are forced to work for Walmart.

BTW, what is it with that ad that runs over and over and over and over?
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