What properties or characteristics are required by an entity capable of creating the physical universe?
Prospective posters to this thread might kindly note that this is not a request for more reiterations of a catechism or quotes from the Bible. That is why it is posted in the philosophy section. It is an opportunity to consider the necessary and sufficient (i.e. minimum) properties of our Creator in the context of modern knowledge about how the universe works.
At a minimum he must have the ability to interact with the material world in order to have set about allowing particles to form and bond and change. He must be able to use his mind to cause an action, just as we use our minds when we decide to take some physical action. His mind must be connected to the physical operation of the universe in some way, just as our minds connect to our bodies. Perhaps there are parts of the physical universe that are no longer easily accessible to him, the way we have beating hearts but can’t usually stop or start them on command.
A lot of his properties would depend on whether the laws that govern our physical universe were conceived by him previous to this universe being created, or whether they were inevitable due to what already existed. Meaning, it is important to know whether the creator created ex nihilo or whether he just used existing materials to build upon.
It’s also important to know if he formulated all the laws completely in his mind before acting, or if he gradually caused changes here and there until he wound up with this universe. Each of these scenarios point to different properties in a creator. The first points to an initially complex mind, the second to a mind that formed more akin to the way ours do.
The building- up- gradually scenario means he would be intimately involved with physical operations at the smallest levels, and be guiding reality, rather than standing back and allowing his laws go into operation. I am not sure which of those two, if either, have any more standing in light of what we know about reality today.
The problem is ,it seems necessary for the gradually developing creator to take a more active role, since he is guiding things as he grows in awareness. This doesn’t seem to fit the scientific evidence, unless he no longer can exert the control he once did before the universe got so complex.
The other scenario, the creator who set a plan in motion by crafting our physical laws and setting it all in motion, points more to a traditional theism. However, if one is looking at this from a purely philosophical view, it is hard to figure out how our creator would have had enough innate knowledge to have done this, in the absence of any previous experiences with universe development (or matter creation, or time, etc).