1holycatholic, in all respect, I’m not here to do your homework or be a reference library for you. Go and study the history of world religions from about 3000 BCE to present, with specific attention to ascending and descending forms of religion, the various ideas of the Nature of God, cultural and geographical influences on religious thought, esoteric and exoteric forms, integrations philosophy, comparative religion, the history of Catholicism, the history of religions in the time and place of Iesus, the problems inherent in language, translation, meaning, witnessing, collecting, selecting, the application of the structural differential to all of that, non-dualism as a third alternative to the binary God/no God, the nature of awareness as distinct from Consciousness, theories of religious psychology, mob mentality, the nature of organizations, the history and psychology of religious, political, and scientific and philosophical movements, introductory levels at least of such disciplines as teleology, epistemology, ontology, semantics, general semantics, symbolic logic, phenomenology, systems analysis, etc, etc, etc.
A very small beginning bibliography is included below:
Mark 4:33-34
Milwaukee Journal, Nov 16, 1963, p5
This Is The Faith Canon Francis Ripley
The Christian Agnostic L Weatherhead
Science and Sanity A Korzybski
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism Chogyam Trungpa,
A History of the Warfare of Science With Theology in Christendom AD White
The Sociology of Religion T Hoult
Standing for Something GB Hinkley
Our Unseen Guest Darby and Joan
A History of Egypt H Breasted
A Sense of Unity: Sufi influence on Middle-Eastern Architecture University of Illinois press
Most books by Norman Vincent Peale & a few by Bishop FJ Sheen
The Pagan Christ & Water Into Wine Tom Harpur
*Those Incredible Christians *HJ Schonfield (& his intro to The Passover Plot)
The Story of the Bible EJ Goodspeed
Age of Reason T Paine
The Untold Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls Harpers,Magazine, Aug, 1966
The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed, The Story of Religion & Is That in the Bible? C Potter
Jesus Died in Kashmir & *Jesus. Moses, and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel *A Faber-Kaiser
A Rationalist Encyclopedia
The World’s Living Religions R Hume
An Encyclopedia of Religion
anything by: Dr. KG Mills, Merrell-Wolff, Nisargadatta, Roberson, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, DR Hawkins, B Katie, or Ken Wilbur.
The Life and Sayings of Ramakrishna M Muller
Ethics of the Great Religions ER Pike
*The Crest Jewel of Discrimination *Adi Sankara
A New Look at the Bible Tradition LV Bischoff
An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiment With Truth M Gandhi
Asia Looks at Western Christianity T Ohm
Remembering FC Bartlett
God and the Bible & 3 others M Arnold
etc, etc, etc
A very small beginning bibliography is included below:
Mark 4:33-34
Milwaukee Journal, Nov 16, 1963, p5
This Is The Faith Canon Francis Ripley
The Christian Agnostic L Weatherhead
Science and Sanity A Korzybski
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism Chogyam Trungpa,
A History of the Warfare of Science With Theology in Christendom AD White
The Sociology of Religion T Hoult
Standing for Something GB Hinkley
Our Unseen Guest Darby and Joan
A History of Egypt H Breasted
A Sense of Unity: Sufi influence on Middle-Eastern Architecture University of Illinois press
Most books by Norman Vincent Peale & a few by Bishop FJ Sheen
The Pagan Christ & Water Into Wine Tom Harpur
*Those Incredible Christians *HJ Schonfield (& his intro to The Passover Plot)
The Story of the Bible EJ Goodspeed
Age of Reason T Paine
The Untold Story of the Dead Sea Scrolls Harpers,Magazine, Aug, 1966
The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed, The Story of Religion & Is That in the Bible? C Potter
Jesus Died in Kashmir & *Jesus. Moses, and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel *A Faber-Kaiser
A Rationalist Encyclopedia
The World’s Living Religions R Hume
An Encyclopedia of Religion
anything by: Dr. KG Mills, Merrell-Wolff, Nisargadatta, Roberson, Ramana Maharshi, Krishnamurti, DR Hawkins, B Katie, or Ken Wilbur.
The Life and Sayings of Ramakrishna M Muller
Ethics of the Great Religions ER Pike
*The Crest Jewel of Discrimination *Adi Sankara
A New Look at the Bible Tradition LV Bischoff
An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiment With Truth M Gandhi
Asia Looks at Western Christianity T Ohm
Remembering FC Bartlett
God and the Bible & 3 others M Arnold
etc, etc, etc