Speaking of Mary, once her amazing, ineffable declaration at Lourdes had become known, the liturgy of the Church invites us to ponder her mystery in the light of God’s word. The following passage, ordinarily so difficult to explain, takes on a real, not merely symbolic, meaning if we think of it as pronounced by the Immaculata herself, intimately united as she was with the Holy Spirit, the divine Inspirer of this text:
The Lord begot me in the beginning before he planned anything, before the most ancient of his works; from eternity I was established, before anything began, before the earth. Before the abysses were created I was already conceived . . . I was with him then, arranging everything. And day after day I found delight playing before him all the while, playing on the surface of the earth; and my delight was to be with the sons of men (Prv 8:22-24, 30-31)
If Mary, as a humble daughter of Adam, came into existence only after innumerable generations of human beings, she was already present in God’s own mind, outside of all time, in the Holy Spirit himself. In God’s eternal NOW, where she exists forever, she lives and reigns as the sovereign Mother, above all other creatures, cooperating in God’s divine task of governing the world, embracing the entire scope of creation, before her and after her.
This is why Father Kolbe does not hesitate to identify Mary with Wisdom, “the artificer of all” (Wis 7:22):
She is, [he says, applying to her the words of the Sacred Author] a breath of divine power, a most pure effusion of the Most High; hence nothing sullied can ever contaminate her. She is a reflection of the eternal light, a spotless mirror of God’s activity, an image of his excellence. . . . She is indeed more beautiful than the sun, surpasses all the constellations, and compared to light itself, she is more brilliant. (Wis 7:25-26, 29, as in Sketch, 1940)
We must acknowledge, [he goes on] that in his creative omnipotence God made the Immaculata all holy. As a creature she is close to us; as Mother of God she touches divinity itself. The Immaculata is the summit of perfection of holiness achievable by creatures. No one else could ever attain this degree of grace; only the Mother of God could ever reach it. (Conference, July 3, 1938)
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If we refer to Mary the Immaculata the double conception of thought and of love found in God – the Word and the Holy Spirit – we may say that the Father, in a way infinitely better than that of the most gifted artist, makes Mary the exemplar and matrix of the visible and invisible universe which he has conceived as an ideal in his mind before attempting to translate it into material reality. Thus in her he sees before him a model that represents his ideal in mock-up. On each occasion the artist must reshape his model in order to express a different work, conceived along other lines; but the Father, through his one Word full of Love, sees in the Immaculata the entire universe in all its rich multiplicity and harmonious unity.
Now we can better understand why Father Kolbe goes so far as to say:
The Immaculate Conception belongs to the Virgin’s very essence . . . this name she used at Lourdes is fully justified in all of her life, because she is always immaculate, hence “full of grace”; because “God is always with her,” even to that astounding degree of intimacy that makes her Mother of his Son. (Sketch, 1940)
Because of this she holds the first place in the history of salvation. Oriental Christianity understood this very well when it gave her the name “
Panagia” (all holy), the same name it gives to the Holy Spirit himself: “