Mr. Santa,
I hereby expose some of my vast ignorance.
How can Mary Theotokos (Godbearer, not mother of God) be antecedant to and generative of the infinite uncreated? And where is that taught?
She is rightly declared Theotokos, against the Arians, Nestorians and their modern recapitulators, but Mother of the Ancient of Days, the “I Am” “He Who Causes To Be”? Do you have a created before, both onotologically and chronologically, the uncreate?
By dogma, does the Catholic Church mean -must believe in order to be saved-? So that if one isn’t persuaded that he has yet seen sufficient historiography of the assension of Mary to be certain of it, or who fears that the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception wars against the Incarnation, is therefore damned to Hell, even though the Roman Magisterium says that such a baptised person is in real, though imperfect communion with Rome?
Person - prosopon - locus of self-awareness? Essense sounds in English like substance, which miscommunication separated the East from the Greek from the West, between Aramaic, Greek and Latin.
The chordata (except maybe fish) along with humans were given the nephesh hayyah, the breath of life, sometimes translated psyche. I suspect that doing a word-for-word to Latin can misappropriate a semantic shift and cause misunderstanding. While non-human animals do not bear the Imago Dei, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not, along with the rest of creation groaning, be restored in the anakainensis.
Banned One
Some native American ethnae -did- believe in a Creator, they just didn’t have all the information that they needed.
Did Mary tell -us- that, or did she tell the caterers? As near as I can tell, it was the latter. Though if misunderstood as the former, it is still the best advice possible.
For grins, I did once find a book, by someone claiming to be a Catholic priest, while browsing the stacks at college, that proposed replacing the Holy Spirit with Mary. Or something similar to that. Of course, we can find archbishops and cardinals who defy Rome on human life and public, grave, mortal sin. So the existence of such a strange tome doesn’t really prove anything. Hence just for grins.
So Mary is to be understood as an advocate like you or I, not a second Savior? Second Redeemer? That isn’t something that comes across clearly to someone trained in Reformed and Lutheran terminology. The notion that Christ, far from being a high priest forever, yet in like nature with ours tempted in every way as us, yet without sins, sympathizes with us in our weaknesses, and y et would not love us or forgive us or answer our prayers if His Mother didn’t get on His case about it? I’ve heard that taught by a loyalorthodox so far as I know, priest, attempting to explain Mary’s role to Prostants (God Bless him for trying!)
I hereby expose some of my vast ignorance.
How can Mary Theotokos (Godbearer, not mother of God) be antecedant to and generative of the infinite uncreated? And where is that taught?
She is rightly declared Theotokos, against the Arians, Nestorians and their modern recapitulators, but Mother of the Ancient of Days, the “I Am” “He Who Causes To Be”? Do you have a created before, both onotologically and chronologically, the uncreate?
By dogma, does the Catholic Church mean -must believe in order to be saved-? So that if one isn’t persuaded that he has yet seen sufficient historiography of the assension of Mary to be certain of it, or who fears that the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception wars against the Incarnation, is therefore damned to Hell, even though the Roman Magisterium says that such a baptised person is in real, though imperfect communion with Rome?
Person - prosopon - locus of self-awareness? Essense sounds in English like substance, which miscommunication separated the East from the Greek from the West, between Aramaic, Greek and Latin.
The chordata (except maybe fish) along with humans were given the nephesh hayyah, the breath of life, sometimes translated psyche. I suspect that doing a word-for-word to Latin can misappropriate a semantic shift and cause misunderstanding. While non-human animals do not bear the Imago Dei, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not, along with the rest of creation groaning, be restored in the anakainensis.
Banned One
Some native American ethnae -did- believe in a Creator, they just didn’t have all the information that they needed.
Did Mary tell -us- that, or did she tell the caterers? As near as I can tell, it was the latter. Though if misunderstood as the former, it is still the best advice possible.
For grins, I did once find a book, by someone claiming to be a Catholic priest, while browsing the stacks at college, that proposed replacing the Holy Spirit with Mary. Or something similar to that. Of course, we can find archbishops and cardinals who defy Rome on human life and public, grave, mortal sin. So the existence of such a strange tome doesn’t really prove anything. Hence just for grins.
So Mary is to be understood as an advocate like you or I, not a second Savior? Second Redeemer? That isn’t something that comes across clearly to someone trained in Reformed and Lutheran terminology. The notion that Christ, far from being a high priest forever, yet in like nature with ours tempted in every way as us, yet without sins, sympathizes with us in our weaknesses, and y et would not love us or forgive us or answer our prayers if His Mother didn’t get on His case about it? I’ve heard that taught by a loyalorthodox so far as I know, priest, attempting to explain Mary’s role to Prostants (God Bless him for trying!)