Why not? What is it that prevents you from even
acknowledging that the slimmest possibility even exists that he does not exist?
An interesting statement. The appendix is not alone; there is no shortage of human body parts that either serve no purpose or seem rightfully out of place. I am not trying to disprove to you God’s intelligence or power - but, what do you think it would take for you to acquiesce to the possibility that he may not exist?
One step at a time, indeed. Here’s some questions for you to ponder. If you answer them, perhaps then we can talk about accepting Jesus.
- We have no scientific evidence that God exists. In the 12,000 years since man settled down and ended its hunter-gatherer lifestyle, do you not think that someone would have found God if he did indeed exist?
- What about the thousands upon thousands of other Gods that are also said to exist? What of Zeus and Hera? What of Dionysus, Quetzalcoatl, and Vishnu? What of Allah? What of Ra, Osiris, and Mercury? What reason do you have for being a near-complete atheist, in that you believe in one God but deny the existence of thousands of others that have been named to exist? What is it that makes you cling to only one? Is there really such a big difference between me, the atheist, and you, the christian?
- What of evil? If you had the power to prevent 3,000 deaths and the collapse of two skyscrapers on a given day in September, wouldn’t you? If God is able to prevent evil but is unwilling, is he not malevolent?
One step at a time.