The Rage of Incels

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Ancient does not necessarily mean virtuous.

Sodom and Gamorrah were not exactly modern cities. Neither was Babylon or Corinth.
How about everyone held to a moral standard?

The Ten Commandments does not make exceptions for certain groups of people.
Do you seriously believe that out-of-wedlock sex the only immoral action someone can commit?

Stoning a woman to death for sex outside of marriage is immoral. Gunning her down over “family honor,” still done in many parts of the world, is immoral. Judging and stigmatizing her for life over so much as one out-of-wedlock sexual encounter is immoral. Shipping her off for a quiet adoption - or worse yet, abortion - to avoid family “shame” is immoral. Denying her the rights and opportunities available to men just because she gets pregnant is immoral.

It sounds like societies have had no problem openly accepting immorality.
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There’s a reason why even incels disdain prostitutes. They’re the absolute bottom of the barrel as far as sexual value goes. Basically they’re the female analogue to incels.
You know, a good number of prostitutes are trafficked children, or teens who’ve run away from a violent situation at home and are trying to survive. Why not pray for them and donate to charities that help them rather than denouncing them as “bottom of the barrel?”
There’s no such thing as “incel ideology”.
Of course there is.
The basic reason for the incel phenomenon (by which I’m referring to the case of otherwise normal men who can’t find women, not weird cases like the author brought up where people can’t find sexual partners because of disability or psychological issues) is the abandonment by society of sexual morals.
After reading posts from incels or manifestos from incels I’m tempted to quibble with your use of normal here. These guys are fringe and and while the number might be growing it’s still quite small.
Men are biologically inclined to be attracted to women who are fertile and chaste.
Fertile, yes. Chaste? Not in my observation.
Monogamy makes less attractive women settle for less attractive men,
And you think this is a good thing. Especially how you defined “attractive.” I never wanted a super ambitious man but I did want one who could support a family, ideally on his income alone (I wanted to be a SAHM) but was flexible. I dated guys who could have been but I also dated guys who knew then that they weren’t up to the job and were content to not do anything about it. And you think that some woman should settle for that? No, thank you.
What puzzles me about this movement is that men are doing to each other what they accuse feminists of: devaluing men. Red Pillers usually have some strategy about goals and self-improvment, some “Aphas” :roll_eyes: even suggest that a “Beta” could become an Alpha if he worked hard enough, some don’t. But it’s men labeling and disparaging other men, including themselves. And they are extreme in their views and approach; they go on about being so ugly and worthless to delusional about being supreme gentlemen, way beyond the “nice guy.” These guys are one example of toxic masculinity but not the best one because of how fringe they are.
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