Many people were shocked and saddened by the results of the election. Many have commented that we are no longer a Christian nation, and they are most likely correct. The main problem, however, is the weakness of the American Catholic Church. A common theme I heard, by many people calling into Catholic talk shows, was their complaint against the many priests and bishops who failed to speak out about the issues in this election.
In an address he gave at the University of Toronto in Feb. of 2009. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia said the following. “The Church in the United States has done a poor job of forming the faith and conscience of Catholics for more than 40 years. And now we’re harvesting the results – in the public square, in our families and in the confusion of our personal lives. …. And unless Catholics have a conversion of heart that helps us see what we’ve become – that we haven’t just “assimilated” to American culture, but that we’ve also been absorbed and bleached and digested by it – then we’ll fail in our duties to a new generation and a new electorate. And a real Catholic presence in American life will continue to weaken and disappear.”
How true. We have had decades of poor leadership from our shepherds with the result that most Catholics do not know their faith and many really don’t care. We have had a weak, do-nothing Church that is afraid to preach the truth about sin. I saw a news report, which said that, while Hispanic people are generally pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, 71% of Hispanics voted for Obama. Obviously the Church failed to reach this group.
The re-election of Obama is just another sour fruit of Vatican II, and it would seem that the president’s followers are more capable of spreading his false doctrines, than our shepherd’s are at spreading the truths and teachings of the Church. Obama has fooled the country twice now with his pack of lies and misinformation, and the American people bought into it.
American society is declining and going the way of the Roman Empire, and the American Catholic Church is going with it. One of the greatest Fathers of the Church, and Patron of all Catholic Preachers, Saint John Chrysostom (347 A.D. to 407 A.D) said: “Many priests are damned and few bishops are saved”.
As for the true Church, it will, most likely get smaller and smaller. For the true Catholic, our goal must be to persevere in the faith and try to evangelize as many as we can. Our hope is in the orthodoxy of the new, young priests who are coming up. Perhaps, once all of the dead, drift-wood remnants of the false “Spirit of Vatican II” are dead and gone, we can then begin to build a new strong Church in this country – if there is any America left by then.
Viva Cristo Rey!
In an address he gave at the University of Toronto in Feb. of 2009. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia said the following. “The Church in the United States has done a poor job of forming the faith and conscience of Catholics for more than 40 years. And now we’re harvesting the results – in the public square, in our families and in the confusion of our personal lives. …. And unless Catholics have a conversion of heart that helps us see what we’ve become – that we haven’t just “assimilated” to American culture, but that we’ve also been absorbed and bleached and digested by it – then we’ll fail in our duties to a new generation and a new electorate. And a real Catholic presence in American life will continue to weaken and disappear.”
How true. We have had decades of poor leadership from our shepherds with the result that most Catholics do not know their faith and many really don’t care. We have had a weak, do-nothing Church that is afraid to preach the truth about sin. I saw a news report, which said that, while Hispanic people are generally pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, 71% of Hispanics voted for Obama. Obviously the Church failed to reach this group.
The re-election of Obama is just another sour fruit of Vatican II, and it would seem that the president’s followers are more capable of spreading his false doctrines, than our shepherd’s are at spreading the truths and teachings of the Church. Obama has fooled the country twice now with his pack of lies and misinformation, and the American people bought into it.
American society is declining and going the way of the Roman Empire, and the American Catholic Church is going with it. One of the greatest Fathers of the Church, and Patron of all Catholic Preachers, Saint John Chrysostom (347 A.D. to 407 A.D) said: “Many priests are damned and few bishops are saved”.
As for the true Church, it will, most likely get smaller and smaller. For the true Catholic, our goal must be to persevere in the faith and try to evangelize as many as we can. Our hope is in the orthodoxy of the new, young priests who are coming up. Perhaps, once all of the dead, drift-wood remnants of the false “Spirit of Vatican II” are dead and gone, we can then begin to build a new strong Church in this country – if there is any America left by then.
Viva Cristo Rey!