I do deny that because he’s against crony capitalism. Obama and the democrat Congress (and even Bush) bailed out Detroit and Wall Street.
But I guess they get a free pass, huh?
And who was it that went to all those Hollywood fundraisers?
Romney did go out and write an article that he submitted to the Wall Street Journal were he states that “the US Govt should not help out the car industry”. Now were the words "bankrupt in the article, no, but he cannot say that he was out to help these people. I mean look at what he did a wk before the elections. He put an ad in Ohio stating that Jeep was going to move to China. Of course, the people in Ohio know their auto industry very well. They immediately called their company to see if this was true. If I’m not mistaken I believe Chrysler and Chevrolet told Gov. Romney that his comments were false. Look it up and find the truth.
You mention that the Democrats get a free pass for helping out. Look ppl will say their giving away stuff, but the bailout helped so many ppl in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. Both parties had elected officials who voted for that provision. This was a mandate that politicians took b/c the ppl of this country needed.
Look, I personally don’t think that politicians should be having fundraisers with anybody, may it be Hollywood, or the NRA. I believe that politicians should work for the people and not just elite.
So did the lady and the others give freely, or did Ceaser tax them to “help the poor” and then deposit the money himself?
The verse that i was referring to was Mark 12:38-44. Im going to post the reading, I am getting the verse from EWTN.
38 And in his teaching he said, “Beware of the scribes, who like to go about in long robes, and to have salutations in the market places 39 and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, 40 who devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.” 41 And he sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the multitude putting money into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. 42 And a poor widow came, and put in two copper coins, which make a penny. 43 And he called his disciples to him, and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance; but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole living.”
I don’t believe this was about Caesar.
Read more:
That’s a left-wing scare tactic. Even Ann Coulter isn’t talking about deporting people anymore (thank goodness for that).
The republicans have been arrogant about the immigration issue in the past because the party is loaded with Protestants who see their churches in decline and the Catholic faith–as well as Islam and Mormonism—increasing.
IDK if you watched what Bill O’Reilly talked about on election Night. Were he basically said that minorities went out to vote b/c they want things handed down to them. I don’t believe that man is an independent, im sorry to isagree with you on that.
But it’s nothing we are doing to them, it’s the fact that the whites are committing cultural suicide and high crime rates keep the Black population fairly constant. Meanwhile, their leaders are arguing over so-called “gay marriage” because it isn’t specifically addressed in the Bible.
What a headache that all must be!
You’re not the only one here who isn’t 100% white on here, and I don’t know why you even mentioned it but it is foolhardy if you or anyone else think the democrats care about you because you are X, Y or Z.
Why don’t you ask Native Americans or African-Americans what big progressive government did for them?
They only want your vote because the wannabe liberal elites do not have kids. They want to enjoy all the perks of living in an industrialized country while you and other minorities and immigrants work at Mickey Dees or tend bar for them after a global warming or pro-“gay marriage” summit.
W. Europe and Japan have the exact same problem.
The republicans are more in favor of legal immigration, but it’s also worth noting that the country needs the labor force, especially in agriculture in the Heartland. I don’t think your family should be deported, especially if they’ve worked hard and have committed no crimes.** It’s just stupid to send people home who are helping the economy to a place that they won’t want to be and may be oppressed in .
Marco Rubio’s plan sounds good for immigration.
I believe that both parties have ppl that are respectable and are out trying to support these individuals. Having said that it’s our job as constituents to let our lawmakers know, that were not ignorant. And like you mentioned earlier, don’t be fooled by left wing scare tactic, I believe you should also be aware of right wing scare tactics.
That is exactly right.
Romney and Ryan, as well as the whole Republican Party don’t have that attitude. Here ppl like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly.