The real Michael Moore

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David Puthoff:
Mike, your a great man, thanks for serving and supporting our country. My children and I pray for our military every night, we also pray for all bad guys to become good guys and good guys to become better guys. I am sure if we met we would share a beer or two and discuss the extraordinary and extraordinarily strange people we have met by being in the military. Happy Veterans Day!

The best Marine is a Submarine, go Navy!

Thanks Dave. The same goes to you. I have a stepbrother serving in the Navy.

David Puthoff:
I truly think that you’re ignorant about Iraq. Iraq was harboring terrorists and was a terrorist state. I do not think that you have a mere glimpse of reality. How can I stand by as a neighbor kills and tortures people, it goes against what I have been taught and what the catechism teaches. We must stop tyranny. If you were being terrorized wouldn’t you want someone to make it stop? So in your eyes, WWII European front was unjustified because the Germans didn’t attack us? Read the catechism, think, then type.

So you would rather wait for the fight? More U.S. citizens died in 9/11 than all of the soldiers that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bring the fight to their doorstep.

Maybe…… Not. Saddam was a Ally of the US during the Iraq/Iran war, when he rolled into Kuwait that ended, flat out that is what did it. Remember 1991, the first Iraq war, I do, I was in the Navy reserve and was nearly called up.

Would you please just stop the idiotic rant? Did you serve in the military? Did you VOLUNTEER to do anything in your life? Every person and I mean every person who has fought for their country in that war volunteered and you stand back and criticize the government and the reasons for which they gave their lives? How can you speak of their pain when you don’t understand them? As a soldier I am proud to have served my country, I did it, and would do it again and promote it to my 4 sons. If they die will I mourn their death? Definitely. If they die would I question reason they gave their life? Never. Read the catechism, think, and then type.

I do not think you have a clue what you think; you have only received the warmth of protection in your life and security. Without those men and women ready to stand the line and serve violence to our enemies we would be a Godless society and only the strong would survive. You have no respect for anything but yourself and I get a belly full of idiots like you quicker than most. On Veterans Day this discussion is taking place, very nice, well done, you are the reason I volunteered to join the Navy and then again volunteered for Submarines. Because I knew people like you wouldn’t.

First of all, thank you for your service to our country.

If you think that my ideas are idiotic and you still volunteered to protect them there’s something very wrong with you, but that’s okay, I’m sure that your heart was in the right place.

People like “me” do a lot more than you think. You were TOLD that Iraq was harboring terrorists, however, that’s unlikely, it is likely that Afghanistan was harboring terrorists and I have no problem with the fact that we engaged there. While it saddens me I figure that it had to be done.

If you could readily sacrifice the lives of your children I have no idea what kind of a parent you are, I’m still wondering why Abraham was so willing to sacrifice Isaac but that’s just me.
I can’t believe that you’re still carrying on about Kuwait, if you remember, we told Saddam that we had no interest in his scuffle with Kuwait and then we turned around and declared war on the guy.
Saddam did NOT have WMD, you were lied to, it’s hard for folks like you to admit, folks who would put their own flesh and blood on the front lines to admit that you were sucker-punched by Chalabi and his minions, however there it is black and white.

Your neighbor, Lyndie England tortured prisoners in your name, while the soldier herself is probably mildly retarded her superiors are definitely NOT, and what the heck are you doing about that? Nothing, probably, because you don’t see the Iraqis as fellow Children of God you probably think that they deserved it or that SOMEONE deserved it and that one Iraqi is as good as the next.

Do not dare to compare WW2 with this war, there’s an incredible difference. Furthermore, we didn’t get into the war until we were attacked so I question our desire to stop evil, we were just taking care of ourselves.

As this story and truth unfolds you will become better informed.
At this point, because I’ve already warned you that this discussion is closed if you dare to suggest that I have any but the deepest respect and gratitude for our Armed Forces (excluding Cheny and Bush and those who never served, btw) I have to conclude our discussion.
Then how might you feel, as a Catholic, about this very apologetics site, CatholicAnswers.

Our “enemy” is the one who tries to destroy the Catholic Church.

Do we “fight” them on their own turf, or do we wait till they infiltrate the Church and try to destroy from within? oops… that already has happened often with the modernism, etc that pervades our Truth.

It is a lot tougher to clean a dirty house than it is to make a sincere effort to keep the dirt out in the first place.
You are correct that the enemy tries to destroy the Church, however it can’t and it won’t. If there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that the Church will stand, in spite of outsiders and insiders who will destroy it.
In responding, let me start off by saying that I’m glad you’re grateful to the military for all they do. I was not going to say otherwise. One can certainly criticize the war w/o running down the military. BTW, I’m retired from the military and I have a son-in-law fighting in Iraq right now. I’m proud of him, and I pray everyday he gets back safely for his and my daughter’s sake.

Having said that, lets start off by saying, true, Iraq did not attack the US directly. However, its pretty well documented that Iraq did train, have meetings, and finance the terrorists. Plus he was butchering his own people. Additionally, at the time, our intelligence along with the intelligence agencies of several other countries and the Democratic leadership all believed Iraq had WMD. Was everybody wrong about that? Possibly. However, the reasoning was sound at the time.

The war has in Iraq and Afganistan has certainly put a hugh dent into the terrorists. Are you not paying attention?

Now, as I said before I think we have done our job over there and it’s time to develop an exit strategy. We haven’t done that yet, and that’s wrong in my opinion. The new Iraq govt is getting set up, along with their military, and its time for us to draw down.

I resent you tying me being a catholic to my aggressive stance towards stamping out terrorists ( I consider Saddam in this group). Being a catholic doesn’t mean I’m a passivist. Is your position lets wait till we’re attacked again and then lets negtiotate and talk about it? Unfortuately, the terrorists see that as a weakness, and it doesn’t work with them. I wish that weren’t true. If talking did work, that would be great. The only thing they understand is force.

I can see why you think Michael Moore is a great guy; that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. Sadly, you have lots of company in this country. Not me.

BTW, I’m not pro-war. I truly wish it wasn’t necessary and yes, some doubt crept in about this one once WMD was not found. However, despite that, I think we have done some good in eliminating a murderous dictator, freeing an oppressed nation, and heavily damaging a terrorist organization.
Listen Mike, I have serious issues with Michael Moore, in case you didn’t know this, Moore supported Nader during the first election and because of the close election results in Florida we got Bush in the WH and believe me, I don’t admire his lack of
pragmatism with that choice, however, he makes some valid points in his film.

It is my belief that we were lied to about WMD. Current information seems to be that Chalabi had a hand in that and that’s terribly disturbing, remember how Condi Rice and Cheney belabored the “mushroom cloud” point? Even Bill Clinton believed that Iraq had WMD, it’s downright scary to think that some terrible chicanery was being perpetrated on all of us and that we fell for it.

I had a sense, and so did many others in DC, that regardless of anything that Bush wanted a war, and his unfortunate comment about Saddam wanting to kill his daddy made me think that Bush was willing to sacrifice our military for a personal vendetta. However, because I figured that in NO way would Colin Powell compromise his ethics I completely fell for his speech at the UN.

I don’t think that terrorism is on the decline because of our activities in Iraq, if you can reassure me on that point, I’m all ears but the recent bombings in Jordan tell me otherwise. From the bottom of my heart I would love to believe otherwise.

I’m sorry you took offense at my comment about Catholicism and aggression, my point is simply that the Iraqis are us, fighting them there is fighting them here, everyday, the war effects us, our spirit and our families, and more directly it affects our brothers and sisters in Iraq. I would be happy to annihilate Osama, who we haven’t found, but we can’t even find him, and when we have folks in WH outing CIA folks and allowing their Gay friends into press conferences I get truly stymied. I wonder what the heck is going on.

Well Waif, I’m glad you don’t swallow Michael Moore’s stuff hook, line, and sinker. Thats a positive.

You and I have some diverse views and we’re not going to change each other’s mind. We’ll have to agree that we disagree. 😃

Well Waif, I’m glad you don’t swallow Michael Moore’s stuff hook, line, and sinker. Thats a positive.

You and I have some diverse views and we’re not going to change each other’s mind. We’ll have to agree that we disagree. 😃

Okay, I can handle that. Thanks for your comments.
Wondering Waif:
You are correct that the enemy tries to destroy the Church, however it can’t and it won’t. If there’s one thing I’m sure of it’s that the Church will stand, in spite of outsiders and insiders who will destroy it.
You may have missed my point.

We should not just depend on the Church to survive. It will, but we have a job to do… defend it.

We should not just depend on the military to survive. It will, but they have a job to do… defend us.

Better they do it in the backyard of the terrorists than in my back yard.

Archbishop Sheen lamented that the biggest fear we could have is not admitting the existence of evil (Satan)

As for the war… the biggest mistake we could make is not recognizing how evil the enemy really is (Satan at work in the terrorists).
You may have missed my point.

We should not just depend on the Church to survive. It will, but we have a job to do… defend it.

We should not just depend on the military to survive. It will, but they have a job to do… defend us.

Better they do it in the backyard of the terrorists than in my back yard.

Archbishop Sheen lamented that the biggest fear we could have is not admitting the existence of evil (Satan)

As for the war… the biggest mistake we could make is not recognizing how evil the enemy really is (Satan at work in the terrorists).
Bishop Sheen also taught that fairies were the angels who wouldn’t get involved with the battle between Michal and Lucifer but that’s beside the point.

I cannot stand George Bush, however, if some Iraqi came over here and deposed George Bush and then started fighting me over some trumped up charge about Bush’s cruelty to me, deprived me of drinking water and electricity and destroyed my ancient treasures I would probably be an insurgent and fight back.

I see the terrorist and I understand that she/he is my enemy, however, the terrorist also has a soul and a reason for her/his terrorist activity, in order to stop them, I need to know why they hate me and my country so much, that means that I have to study History and Geography and Human Nature and even Islam.

Just to say, “I hate you cuz you hit me and to get even I’m going to destroy someone else’s country”…(meaning that we didn’t
destroy Arabia, where the terrorists sprang from, but Iraq which had nothing to do with it) doesn’t cut it with me.

Believe me, I know that we need a strong defense, which is why I called my congressional rep to protest when I realized that we were cutting benefits to the veterans even as we were calling our military to war, however, we should exercise our intellect and caution before we engage in any FIRST strike offensive, we’ve never done that before, and we should not have done that this time.
Wondering Waif said:
**Bishop Sheen also taught that fairies were the angels who wouldn’t get involved with the battle between Michal and Lucifer but that’s beside the point.

that is both an erroneous and stupid-if-not-just-plain-silly comment
I cannot stand George Bush, however, if some Iraqi came over here and deposed George Bush and then started fighting me over some trumped up charge about Bush’s cruelty to me, deprived me of drinking water and electricity and destroyed my ancient treasures I would probably be an insurgent and fight back.
that is both an erroneous and stupid-if-not-just-plain-silly comment*

I see the terrorist and I understand that she/he is my enemy, however, the terrorist also has a soul** and a reason for her/his terrorist activity,**

duh… Satan, you think

in order to stop them, I need to know why they hate me and my country so much, that means that I have to study History and Geography and Human Nature and even Islam.

Just to say, “I hate you cuz you hit me and to get even I’m going to destroy someone else’s country”…(meaning that we didn’t destroy Arabia, where the terrorists sprang from, but Iraq which had nothing to do with it) doesn’t cut it with me.

same comment

Believe me, I know that we need a strong defense, which is why I called my congressional rep to protest when I realized that we were cutting benefits to the veterans even as we were calling our military to war, however, we should exercise our intellect and caution before we engage in any FIRST strike offensive, we’ve never done that before, and we should not have done that this time.

Why do you think there are terrorists? Perhaps because there is a history of them setting the rules, the first strikes, the evil intents…
Sorry… I guess I should just say that you just don’t get it.
Warmongers? Give me a break. No sane person likes war, but how many times do you have to be smacked before you finally do something about it?
How many times was Jesus smacked before He did something about it?

Moore is entirely too liberal at times for me, but I do appreciate him asking questions and raising issues.
Why do you think there are terrorists? Perhaps because there is a history of them setting the rules, the first strikes, the evil intents…
Sorry… I guess I should just say that you just don’t get it.
You are wrong about Bishop Sheen, we have his tapes and I heard it with my own ears.
You also need to learn more about history, military history. You will see that we have NEVER engaged in first strike offensive prior to this war.
I don’t understand why you’re having so much trouble with this, you don’t need to be genius to understand what going on!
You don’t have to get your information from Michael Moore, just listen to C-Span!
How many times was Jesus smacked before He did something about it?

Moore is entirely too liberal at times for me, but I do appreciate him asking questions and raising issues.
I suppose I could’ve missed your point here. However, surely you don’t advocate this country doing nothing when attacked, or being threatened with attack? :banghead:
I’m not political, but I am Catholic, so I just want to remind you all that this is a CHARITABLE FORUM. Reading your posts makes me envision that if you all were in a room together you’d be pulling out hair, not praising the Lord.

Waif, you changed your mind a million times in this forum and honestly I can’t figure out why people are still discussing this with you. You seem to “know a lot” about a lot of little things that have nothing to do with your main arguments.

Everyone else, I can understand why the words “idiot” and likewise have popped up, but do you think they are appropriate for this forum? Do you think that they are a good example for all the “visiting” people who want to prove why they “aren’t like those Catholics”? I think not.

Why don’t you quit responding to Waif’s bait? She’s obviously just wanting attention.

I’m not political, but I am Catholic, so I just want to remind you all that this is a CHARITABLE FORUM. Reading your posts makes me envision that if you all were in a room together you’d be pulling out hair, not praising the Lord.

Waif, you changed your mind a million times in this forum and honestly I can’t figure out why people are still discussing this with you. You seem to “know a lot” about a lot of little things that have nothing to do with your main arguments.

Everyone else, I can understand why the words “idiot” and likewise have popped up, but do you think they are appropriate for this forum? Do you think that they are a good example for all the “visiting” people who want to prove why they “aren’t like those Catholics”? I think not.

Why don’t you quit responding to Waif’s bait? She’s obviously just wanting attention.

Jess, you have just responded to me while telling others not to respond to me. You preach one thing and you do another.
Furthermore, you can’t back up your false allegation about the “little” things I say to back up my primary argument because you cannot follow an intricate discussion.
As for wanting attention, your post SCREAMS, “hey, everyone, LOOK AT ME!!” Do you have a sibling that shined too much and you’re still jealous? LOL!
The Christian thing to do in these forums is to ignore your comment as it is unfounded and very juvenile. However, I don’t want you to fill your head with satisfaction that you “got” me. You are so wrong it’s not funny. Unlike you, I have credibility in these forums for having united arguments and making useful comments.

Sorry that my advice to others is “creepy” to you.

The Christian thing to do in these forums is to ignore your comment as it is unfounded and very juvenile. However, I don’t want you to fill your head with satisfaction that you “got” me. You are so wrong it’s not funny. Unlike you, I have credibility in these forums for having united arguments and making useful comments.

Sorry that my advice to others is “creepy” to you.

Hmmm, so you admit that you’re not being Christian-like, for that I am to admire you? as for “getting you”, what would I get?
Winner of one-upping you on a messageboard? Where’s my gold record, where’s my blue ribbon for that? I don’t want to get you, as for credibility-when I can read a post where you are not personally attacking me I’ll let you know what I think.

It curious that you consider yourself qualified to advise others, btw.

Stalking another poster, who you admit to having unChristian-like behavior towards, is creepy-and it could be dangerous for me.
Wondering Waif:
Owning stock in the company is the best way to get information about what’s going in the company. I don’t know about the different shots of the same house, this may be true, but a little creative license doesn’t bother me as long as the facts are straight.
Hello? Creative license in a documentary?

Publicly-owned companies publish periodic reports required by the SEC. Anyone can read them. They’re even online (imagine that). Merely being a stockholder does not necessarily give you an advantage in learning about what’s going on in a company. Unfortunately, all too often the only ones who know what’s really going in a company are the ones cooking the books! Remember the chief at Enron? He claimed not to know what was going on – and he was the boss!
Wondering Waif:
You will see that we have NEVER engaged in first strike offensive prior to this war.
That may be true. “We” just take the sneaky way in, and manipulate “the other guy” into shooting first: Fort Sumter, German u-boats in 1917, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin…
Wondering Waif:
First of all, thank you for your service to our country. If you think that my ideas are idiotic and you still volunteered to protect them there’s something very wrong with you, but that’s okay, I’m sure that your heart was in the right place.
I didn’t think you would understand; let me type it really slow or you. Read it twice then again and think about it, it might make sense later. I served this nation so that people can be free, to discuss and express their point of view without fear of retribution or harm. If you don’t understand, I also protected the dim and defenseless.
Wondering Waif:
People like “me” do a lot more than you think. You were TOLD that Iraq was harboring terrorists, however, that’s unlikely, it is likely that Afghanistan was harboring terrorists and I have no problem with the fact that we engaged there. While it saddens me I figure that it had to be done.
We agree, it needed to be done.
Wondering Waif:
If you could readily sacrifice the lives of your children I have no idea what kind of a parent you are, I’m still wondering why Abraham was so willing to sacrifice Isaac but that’s just me.
Sacrifice? Are you drunk or simple? I have had 3 first cousins in Iraq in the first 6 months, I spoke with each of them individually about keeping safe and not being the hero. There is no sacrifice taking place there we are freeing an ancient people who have always lived in fear. Each of my cousins have mentioned how fulfilling it was to meet locals, each of them mentioned how thankful the Iraqis are. The media on the other hand will make an issue out of anything just to sell air time, they are in business to make money. “As a soldier I am proud to have served my country, I did it, and would do it again and promote it to my 4 sons. If they die will I mourn their death? Definitely. If they die would I question reason they gave their life? Never.” Nothing ever said about sacrificing, kicking butt on the other hand is expected.
Wondering Waif:
I can’t believe that you’re still carrying on about Kuwait, if you remember, we told Saddam that we had no interest in his scuffle with Kuwait and then we turned around and declared war on the guy.
Sooo I cant bring up historical events in our conversations? Please think then type, your averaging 32 idiotic posts a day; let’s trim that down to 6 good ones.
Wondering Waif:
Saddam did NOT have WMD, you were lied to, it’s hard for folks like you to admit, folks who would put their own flesh and blood on the front lines to admit that you were sucker-punched by Chalabi and his minions, however there it is black and white.
I don’t care if he had or has WMD, Saddam was a terrorist and will be put to death for his crimes to humanity.
Wondering Waif:
Your neighbor, Lyndie England tortured prisoners in your name, while the soldier herself is probably mildly retarded her superiors are definitely NOT, and what the heck are you doing about that? Nothing, probably, because you don’t see the Iraqis as fellow Children of God you probably think that they deserved it or that SOMEONE deserved it and that one Iraqi is as good as the next.
Nicholas Burg, was a non combatant, his head was chopped off with a knife, the loss of his head of course killed him, the hacking and sawing at his neck and tendons took more than 1 minute to cut through. I do not recommend watching the video it will haunt you for the rest of your life. These children of God do not play by the same rules as we do yet you feel the need to defend them. If I ever met Lyndie England, I would give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and thank her for serving her country.
Wondering Waif:
Do not dare to compare WW2 with this war, there’s an incredible difference. Furthermore, we didn’t get into the war until we were attacked so I question our desire to stop evil, we were just taking care of ourselves.
I said “So in your eyes, WWII European front was unjustified because the Germans didn’t attack us? “ The same “taking care of ourselves” took place in WWII as in the War on Terrorism.
Wondering Waif:
As this story and truth unfolds you will become better informed. At this point, because I’ve already warned you that this discussion is closed if you dare to suggest that I have any but the deepest respect and gratitude for our Armed Forces (excluding Cheny and Bush and those who never served, btw) I have to conclude our discussion.
Nah, I just think you aren’t as bright as you think you are.
I enjoy his films, don’t get me wrong. He is a talented guy. But he manipulates the facts in a biased way in order to promote his ideas. These are not documentaries, but propoganda.
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