David Puthoff:
I truly think that you’re ignorant about Iraq. Iraq was harboring terrorists and was a terrorist state. I do not think that you have a mere glimpse of reality. How can I stand by as a neighbor kills and tortures people, it goes against what I have been taught and what the catechism teaches. We must stop tyranny. If you were being terrorized wouldn’t you want someone to make it stop? So in your eyes, WWII European front was unjustified because the Germans didn’t attack us? Read the catechism, think, then type.
So you would rather wait for the fight? More U.S. citizens died in 9/11 than all of the soldiers that have died in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bring the fight to their doorstep.
Maybe…… Not. Saddam was a Ally of the US during the Iraq/Iran war, when he rolled into Kuwait that ended, flat out that is what did it. Remember 1991, the first Iraq war, I do, I was in the Navy reserve and was nearly called up.
Would you please just stop the idiotic rant? Did you serve in the military? Did you VOLUNTEER to do anything in your life? Every person and I mean every person who has fought for their country in that war volunteered and you stand back and criticize the government and the reasons for which they gave their lives? How can you speak of their pain when you don’t understand them? As a soldier I am proud to have served my country, I did it, and would do it again and promote it to my 4 sons. If they die will I mourn their death? Definitely. If they die would I question reason they gave their life? Never. Read the catechism, think, and then type.
I do not think you have a clue what you think; you have only received the warmth of protection in your life and security. Without those men and women ready to stand the line and serve violence to our enemies we would be a Godless society and only the strong would survive. You have no respect for anything but yourself and I get a belly full of idiots like you quicker than most. On Veterans Day this discussion is taking place, very nice, well done, you are the reason I volunteered to join the Navy and then again volunteered for Submarines. Because I knew people like you wouldn’t.
First of all, thank you for your service to our country.
If you think that my ideas are idiotic and you still volunteered to protect them there’s something very wrong with you, but that’s okay, I’m sure that your heart was in the right place.
People like “me” do a lot more than you think. You were TOLD that Iraq was harboring terrorists, however, that’s unlikely, it is likely that Afghanistan was harboring terrorists and I have no problem with the fact that we engaged there. While it saddens me I figure that it had to be done.
If you could readily sacrifice the lives of your children I have no idea what kind of a parent you are, I’m still wondering why Abraham was so willing to sacrifice Isaac but that’s just me.
I can’t believe that you’re still carrying on about Kuwait, if you remember, we told Saddam that we had no interest in his scuffle with Kuwait and then we turned around and declared war on the guy.
Saddam did NOT have WMD, you were lied to, it’s hard for folks like you to admit, folks who would put their own flesh and blood on the front lines to admit that you were sucker-punched by Chalabi and his minions, however there it is black and white.
Your neighbor, Lyndie England tortured prisoners in your name, while the soldier herself is probably mildly retarded her superiors are definitely NOT, and what the heck are you doing about that? Nothing, probably, because you don’t see the Iraqis as fellow Children of God you probably think that they deserved it or that SOMEONE deserved it and that one Iraqi is as good as the next.
Do not dare to compare WW2 with this war, there’s an incredible difference. Furthermore, we didn’t get into the war until we were attacked so I question our desire to stop evil, we were just taking care of ourselves.
As this story and truth unfolds you will become better informed.
At this point, because I’ve already warned you that this discussion is closed if you dare to suggest that I have any but the deepest respect and gratitude for our Armed Forces (excluding Cheny and Bush and those who never served, btw) I have to conclude our discussion.