I left the RC church in 2008 and joined the Anglicans. I was an “all-in” Catholic - even went to seminary in the late 80’s. Got married and started using NFP - used it for seven years and timed the conception of 4 children (though first one miscarried).
Around 2005/6 I began to feel “empty” in my faith. As a Grand-Knight with the K of C I was subject to back stabbing and personal attacks that were very hurtful. My parish priest did not stand up for me. I felt abandoned.
Some deep-seeded animosities I had toward the church also came to a head. I was angry that the church did not accept any responsibility for clergy abuse of minors and that the RC church in Canada would not accept responsibility for abuse of first nations people. I was troubled by the way the church rejected people in same sex relationships as well.
In addition, my own experience of abuse in the seminary by a fellow seminarian still caused me pain. When I brought the abuse to the attention of the seminary rector he was dismissive - suggesting that because the activity didn’t involve penetration that it wasn’t really abuse. His exact words were “Patrick was just letting off a little steam.” I put the experience in a little box in my brain and forgot about it.
People in the church have let me down. And leaving the church has impaired relations with my father who claims I have “lost the faith.” I have not lost my faith. I go to church, am engaged in ministry, teach Christian ed. via Alpha, study and read the bible, pray, and try and bring my children up to be good Christians. I feel I am a better Christian now then when I was RC. And yet, I miss the RC church.