okay… I see. This is the robot theory. If we didn’t have free will we’d just be robots. God didn’t want robots, He wanted someone to really love Him back and you can only do this if you have free will. If you force me to love, it’s not real love.Sure. Everyone who argues for unbridled free will, everyone who argues for natural disasters IMPLICITLY advocates and endorses their corollaries. Of course they will never openly admit it… it is even possible that they don’t even realize what they are “voting for”. Though it is hard to imagine.
When someone says that God should interfere with the “free will” of rapists and murderers, the answer is, that such interference would rob the rapist of his free will, and that free will is the greatest good. They sometimes add that the rape and murder are the price WE must pay for the free will. Observe, they say “WE must pay”. Of course the victims of such acts are the ones who must pay the price. But, what the heck? If the price is paid by others… no problem.
When someone advocates that God should prevent the tornadoes and tsunamis, they have a “pat” answer. They say: but if there would be no natural disasters, how could people practice charity and compassion? The courage and compassion are so important that the price “WE pay” (as they like to put it) is worth to have the superior “good” of compassion. Again, it is NEVER the victims who say that. It is always those others, who do not have a skin in the game. You know, it is easy to endure someone else’s misfortune.
I agree with that. But it doesn’t solve any problems. Couldn’t I love God and NOT have evil around?
I understand the concept of free will. I understand that this is the only way to love.
I don’t understand why this has anything to do with evil, tsunamis, rapes, and the rest.
I hope I don’t get posts. I’m just saying that this does NOT solve the problem of evil. We come up with variouis definitions and reasons - all fall short.