I think Jesus does a good enforcement on “food, drink, shelter, clothing”. He says if you don’t do these things for one another then you will be thrown into everlasting fire with the devil and his angels.…life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, health care, free education, food, drink, shelter, clothing… whatever? Where are these “rights” codified, into which law book? Who enforces these “rights”?
Anyone can declare a “right to whatever”, but such a declaration is worthless, unless it is enforced. There are no “natural” rights, “nature” does not grant anyone anything. “Rights” are social constructs, granted by the strongest bully on the block… usually the nation states. But even those entities cannot enforce these so-called “rights”. Sometimes they are able to punish those who violate these declared “rights”, but such a retribution is worthless to those whose life was taken by some other party, which does NOT respect those “rights”.
Just think about it.