It is when people find out that someone is homosexual
How would they find out? Why?
What abuse? Do you think this is commonplace? Please provide some examples. Stories like Mathew Shepherd have been proved to have little or nothing to do with homosexual persecution
because anything different than heterosexuality is so widely considered abberrant.
Why would anyone know about someone’s sex life? Why would I or anyone else KNOW enough about someone else’s sex life to judge whether or not it’s abnormal.
The perpetrators of violence of all kinds against homosexuals want to put that homosexual back in the closet,
Again what is wrong with ‘the closet’ with respect to anyone’s sex life? How does our sexual practice impact your school, your employment, or your housing situation?
How dare they be proud of who they are? That is what the homosexual faces on a day-to-day basis
Yes be proud of who you are. Be proud of what you have accomplished. But what is there about sex practices that is a source of pride?
If heterosexual people refuse to listen to the stories of homosexuals then the heterosexuals will NEVER believe that homosexuals suffer for their sexual identities…
What stories? About your sex life? Why do you think anyone wants or needs to know?
It is difficult and tireless work, fighting bigotry of all kinds…
Again I think you are living in the past. I agree there WAS rampant racism, particularly in certain parts of the country. I don’t believe it’s the case today. Again if you wish to actually provide facts instead of theories and impressions I would be interested to hear it.
Homosexuals are the modern-day lepers. Why does it bother you so much that they speak out and want to be heard?.
I’m sorry but that is HILARIOUS. Lepers? Let’s see we have homosexuals at all levels of government, entertainment, athletics, fashion and art. Somehow I just do not see people avoiding Versace’s clothing line because it was started by a homosexual.
Again, how do we bigots identify all of you homosexuals so that we may have the apparent daily opportunities to persecute you? Again I have consistently said, I don’t look at a person and decide they are a homosexual. I see a person at mass I don’t agonize about their sex life. Why is this such an issue with you? Why does anyone need to KNOW about your sex practices if they are not either your therapist or a very very intimate friend.
Why does it bother you so much to listen to them? Why does it bother you so much that they are proud of who they are as human beings? After all, most Catholic Christians are pretty darn proud of who we are as human beings. Why can’t homosexuals feel the same? "??
Listen to what? THeir bedroom hijinks? No you are right I’m not interested in listening to that. Again, pride in yourself as a child of God as a human being has almost NOTHING to do with your genitalia. Why must homosexuals insist they be identified by a sexual practice instead of their wholeness?
Well this is getting way long but I’d really like to see some evidence of all this persecution. I have been friends with homosexuals LONG before it was in fashion and I really have seen little if any bigotry and certainly none in recent years.
Lisa N