I think as the “chicken little” approach has taken hold and the hysteria is at a fever pitch, there are a couple of things we might want to remember.
One. This is always going to happen. People sin, and that isn’t going to stop. How that sin is handled, must change however. No more cover up.
Two. In the past, I imagine the “cover up” response, i.e. keeping it in house, has a secondary purpose. To shield the victims from further public disgrace. I don’t think the bishops were (IN EVERY INSTANCE) trying only to shield the accused. Unfortunately, this situation has come to such a serious head, that the only way this can be rooted out is to put EVERYONE on trial. Anyone who thinks in the past that priests weren’t falsely accused by someone seeing a quick and easy payday by falsely claiming abuse, well, I have some “property” down in Louisiana you might be interested in. Prime building land.
Three: In the past, bishops have considered this situation (widespread abuse) an ecclesial matter and not given enough weight to the civil ramifications That has to stop too. Any claim of abuse should and must be turned over to the civil authorities for investigation and prosecution. No more considering this a “private”/“in-house” matter only. The bishops have to get out ahead of this problem, and that means a lot of people are going to get hurt, OR nothing is going to change.