Translation: “no! No! NO!”Siamesecat,
Do not be too wowed by biological terms and genetic predisposition lingo…
Translation: “no! No! NO!”Siamesecat,
Do not be too wowed by biological terms and genetic predisposition lingo…
Lol I’m not “wowed”…I dont just take the info fed to me. I decide things as I see them. I’ve posted this before, but I think with women, since sex is more emotional than physical, and a high rate of lesbians seem to have been molested by men, I can see how for many lesbians a discomfort with male intimacy could definately lead to lesbianism. But with men, sex is a very strong, inborn, biological need, so I’m less convinced it’s all environment. Oddly, men molested by men seem to turn gay instead of being uncomfortable around, in many instances (im just generalizing). I think that if molestation of a male occurs around when his sexuality is coming into play (puberty), his brain can be trained to associate arousal with homosexual sex. However, I know far too many people who have not been molested, lacked a father figure, and who all have straight sibilings, that seem to just always be effeminate. That’s why I still believe in most or many instances it’s something else besides environment, especially in men who are more ‘hard wired’. Do I agree with you that environment and molestation can cause it? Yes. Do I agree with you that it’s always this? No. I understand why you don’t believe it’s genetic…but there’s SOMETHING. Also, the fact that many of these kids have a naturally effeminate personality suggests something “different” about their makeup too. ( I do agree about the nailpolish not being a good idea) The whole issue is interesting, complex, and certainly not black and white.Siamesecat,
Do not be too wowed by biological terms and genetic predisposition lingo… the fact is there has never been scientifically discovered the elusive “gay gene”; nor has it been conclusively determined that there exists a primary genetic factor for the prescence of SSA. For every dubbed up twin study and latest research, there is a scientic community that has shown the shortcomings and inconclusiveness of studies that purport to demonstrate a primary genetic causality for SSA. There is more a perponderance of scientic evidence that strongly indicates that SSA is primarily a consequence of abusive and neglectful environmental and comorbidity factors that have adversely affected a healthy psychosexual development. The politically driven gay activists simply falsely label and accuse these sound and valid studies and peer reviews as “biased” to avoid peer accountability, which is the litmus test for any scientic research and conclusions claiming to be sound and valid.
The whole issue of the etiology of SSA is certainly a complex and multi-faceted syndrome. I certainly do not rule out that genetics, as in some variable of genetic predispostion, may play a part in why some individuals are more suspectible to developing SSA as a dis-ordered sexual desire and a symptom of an underlying psychological disorder.Lol I’m not “wowed”…I dont just take the info fed to me. I decide things as I see them. I’ve posted this before, but I think with women, since sex is more emotional than physical, and a high rate of lesbians seem to have been molested by men, I can see how for many lesbians a discomfort with male intimacy could definately lead to lesbianism. But with men, sex is a very strong, inborn, biological need, so I’m less convinced it’s all environment. Oddly, men molested by men seem to turn gay instead of being uncomfortable around, in many instances (im just generalizing). I think that if molestation of a male occurs around when his sexuality is coming into play (puberty), his brain can be trained to associate arousal with homosexual sex. However, I know far too many people who have not been molested, lacked a father figure, and who all have straight sibilings, that seem to just always be effeminate. That’s why I still believe in most or many instances it’s something else besides environment, especially in men who are more ‘hard wired’. Do I agree with you that environment and molestation can cause it? Yes. Do I agree with you that it’s always this? No. I understand why you don’t believe it’s genetic…but there’s SOMETHING. Also, the fact that many of these kids have a naturally effeminate personality suggests something “different” about their makeup too. ( I do agree about the nailpolish not being a good idea) The whole issue is interesting, complex, and certainly not black and white.
Here is a well cited source article by an astute (see credentials) MD Psychiatrist who explains the misnomers that the media often presents in reporting on the “genetic” cause for homosexual attraction:I saw the 60 minutes interview and what the interviewer says is “so it must be innate…but wait…” and then they go on to show identical twins, one gay and one straight and say it’s clearly not genetic. They were making a comparison between a case that said seemed to be predetermined and a case t hat obviously wasnt.
The Gay Gene?
by Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.Jeffrey B. Satinover, M.D. has practiced psychoanalysis for more than nineteen years, and psychiatry for more than ten. He is a former Fellow in Psychiatry and Child Psychiatry at Yale University, a past president of the C.G. Jung Foundation, and a former William James Lecturer in Psychology and Religion at Harvard University. He holds degrees from MIT, the University of Texas, and Harvard University. He is the author of Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth (Baker Books, 1996).
When it comes to questions of the genetics of any behavior-homosexuality included-all of the following statements are likely to be at least roughly true:
1.Such and such a behavior “is genetic”;
2.There are no genes that produce the behavior;
3.The genes associated with the behavior are found on
such and such a chromosome;
4.The behavior is significantly heritable;
5.The behavior is not inherited.
leaderu.com/jhs/satinover.htmlThe scientific distinctions that make these seeming contradictions perfectly reasonable and consistent seem completely misunderstood by the media who report on them.
said:I agree… that there is so many factors… However, there are some dominant factors… problems with the same sex parent, abandonment issues… sexual abuse… and I think something that will show up in the future is the contamination of our drinking water by Birth Control Pills…and other hormone treatments. This has to have a biological effect…just as we see in frogs etc. It is possible that it might be altering the hormonal balance that we need to have a normal adjustment to our gender identity.
Yours for “LIFE” Granny D
what you are talking about are pathological behaviors. homosexuality is not a pathological behavior.I’ve heard the “nature” vs. “nurture” debate my whole life, and it pertains to quite a bit of human behavior, not just to sexual orientation.
The keys to understanding SSA may be discovered by research elsewhere in the field of genetics.
Genetics has its own agenda, that of demonstrating how genes control everything, as far as it can go. But, I’m sure that geneticists know their own limitations.
I’m disappointed that the twins in the CBS article are not identified as being fraternal or genetic twins. That seems to be an oversight.
All I’m saying is that I think there’s a long way to go to explaining SSA, and I think we’re far from the answers.
the answer to that question seems to be related to other kinds of patterned behavior, like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or criminal behavior.
Not me. I admire your strength and integrity. I wish I had the virtue and fortitude you have shown.I have struggled with SSA as many here know. I refuse though to treat it as an illness. I have a disorder known as schizo affective. That is what I get treated for. I don’t even bother seeking out therapy for the SSA. I don’t need to. There is no requirement to change it, just to live chastely, which I am already doing. I know I’ll get crucified from both sides for this position.
crucifies youI have struggled with SSA as many here know. I refuse though to treat it as an illness. I have a disorder known as schizo affective. That is what I get treated for. I don’t even bother seeking out therapy for the SSA. I don’t need to. There is no requirement to change it, just to live chastely, which I am already doing. I know I’ll get crucified from both sides for this position.
I don’t care for this science stuff. I don’t care what causes same-sex attraction because I find nothing wrong with it as long as it does not lead to the behavior.
That doesn’t explain anything. Tons of kids whose fathers were never even there at all were not homosexual.Fr. John Hardon in his studies of homosexuality mentions the importance of father-son bonding at around 18 months. Interesting his mother noticed something “different” at that time.
I think the father/son bond is crucial…but it is only part of what contributes to SSA. Since everyone has different experiences and different “attitudes”… then it cannot be a cookie cutter listThat doesn’t explain anything. Tons of kids whose fathers were never even there at all were not homosexual.
That’s the point if you’ve read the research - it is conflict within a relationship between a son and father or a boy and male authority figures that may have a causal relationship.Tons of kids whose fathers were never even there at all were not homosexual.