The scourge of childless, progressive bishops

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Ever take parenting advice from a childless person?
There are more ways to learn about a topic than just experience. A person who has studied child development/parenting/whatever the discipline has knowledge and should not be dismissed out of hand.

Yes, persons who have “been there, done that” have a certain unique perspective. But you can’t dismiss persons who don’t have those same experiences.

Back to your friend…would she accept advice on pregnancy and childbirth from a childless OB/GYN?
Perhaps her outlook changed because her original views were somewhat skewed? Perhaps those bishops and others, included respected secular counselors etc who managed to have a remarkable and effective knowledge of children without being parents, or, as an example of something similar, mental health counselors who themselves do not suffer from a mental health illness, simply can assess well because their own psyche wasn’t originally so far off track that their personal experiences made them ‘change radically’.

It is always dangerous to extrapolate from one person’s ‘personal experience’ into a derogation of entire groups based on that group’s perceived lack according to that one person.
Her question is “how can a celibate person offer reliable counselling to couples?”
Well , you can extend this to male gynecologists.

Do they need to be female to heal women?

Do drug counselors need to be drug addicts themselves to help drug addicts?

I am hoping that every couple that wants to get married and be parents must have at least an idea or an inkling of what marriage and parenthood entails even if they are currently single and childless.

The single and childless aren’t all that ignorant and clueless about marriage and children.
The single and childless aren’t all that ignorant and clueless about marriage and children.
I actually think what you saw and experienced growing up, during your formative years, has more of an effect on your knowledge of marriage and children than being married or a parent yourself.
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To her first point, she related how her friend who got married in the church had to go to extensive counseling with a priest prior to getting married. Her friend had already been cohabitating with her fiance, having sex, and had an alcohol problem to boot. The friend not only lied to the priest, but coerced her family and his into lying on their behalf so they could have the wedding. The “counseling” was a sham process.
I fail to see how this is on the priest. Are you expecting them to be human lie detectors? The problem here was her friend and her friend’s family lying to get their way.
Had the bishop’s been family men with children of their own, they would not have been so cavalier about the problem.
One does not have to have children to be able to understand the problem. One does not need to be married to understand marriage either. To argue otherwise is a fallacy of relevance.
Her third point was that the bishops tend towards political positions at odds with her own. The Pope has come down against the death penalty and life imprisonment, punishments she herself believes in the justice and practicality of.
Her way of thinking is at odds with the Church, not the other way around. They do not have to bow to what people believe, the Church is not a democracy where things are voted upon and changed.

My question for you is why you are so concerned with her thinking process. She is not Christian and I doubt you will change her mind.
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I’m not sure what the point of the “counselling” is then. It’s obviously not a vetting process, if they’ll marry a couple even if the couple is living in sin and also lying about it.
I’m not sure what the point of the “counselling” is then. It’s obviously not a vetting process, if they’ll marry a couple even if the couple is living in sin and also lying about it.
I dont think your points and criticism are coming across well. Yes the church will marry those who are “living in sin” and seeking to remedy their situation. As the church did to me. Lying was not necessary. Because she could have approached the priest with the truth. She was living in a sexual relationship with a man, and seeking out to remedy her situation with receive the sacrament of marriage. Which would have been the truth It would have given the priest an honest starting point to discuss their living situation, their relationship, and the sacrament of marriage.
My question for you is why you are so concerned with her thinking process. She is not Christian and I doubt you will change her mind.
When she brings the church up I presume she is considering it as something worth thinking about… so I do my best to address what I can and when. But it sometimes goes really badly for me!
Yes the church will marry those who are “living in sin” and seeking to remedy their situation. As the church did to me. Lying was not necessary. Because she could have approached the priest with the truth.
My civil marriage was convalidated in the church. So I know what you mean. Like you, we didn’t go in lying about being civilly married or living together. I guess I just thought that a sacrament obtained through deceit would be potentially invalid, and that the Church wouldn’t indulge a lying couple in performing it. Maybe not. That’s an interesting discussion.
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Furthermore the USCCB has addressed this issue
  1. What are specific objectives in doing marriage preparation with cohabiting couples?The general goal of marriage preparation with all couples is the same: To create a clear awareness of the essential characteristics of Christian marriage: unity, fidelity, indissolubility, fruitfulness; the priority of the sacramental grace that unites the couple to the love of Christ; and the willingness to carry out the mission proper to families in the educational, social and ecclesial areas. For cohabiting couples, a specific goal may be added: To encourage the couple to reflect on their situation and why they decided to cohabit and to provide insights into possible consequences, factors that may present special challenges to them or put them at risk for later marital disruption. To accomplish this second goal, the pastoral minister invites the couple to reflect on their experience of living together and its implications for sacramental marriage.
  2. Why did you originally choose to live together? How does the commitment you wish to make now differ from the commitment you made when you decided to cohabit?
  3. How does your family and community feel about your living together? How do these feelings affect you?
  4. What are your reasons for wanting to marry at this time? Is there any reluctance to marry? Is pressure from family or around children a major reason for marriage now?
  5. What have you learned from your experience of living together? How do you expect your relationship to grow and change in the future? Does either of you expect marriage to be free from times of discontent? How well do you deal with conflict? Have you agreed on any changes in the way you will handle money after you are married?
  6. Why do you want to marry in the Catholic Church at this time? Do you understand the concerns the Church has had about your cohabiting situation?
  7. What does marriage as a sacrament mean to you?
  8. What do you think will be the largest barriers to a lifelong marriage for you? How do you think you will be especially challenged by the vow of faithfulness?After these discussions, the pastoral minister may ask the couple how the information gained from the preparation process has raised their understanding of church teaching and cohabitation, and what response they will make in light of this knowledge. At this point the pastoral minister may ascertain the couple’s readiness and ability to enter into a sacramental marriage.
  9. What distinctions are made among cohabiting couples?Some diocesan policies note the following differences among various types of cohabiting couples, based on the reasons given for the cohabitation. Each has distinct pastoral implications.
  10. For couples who have seriously planned for marriage, and who decided to live together for practical reasons such as finance or convenience, the pastoral minister can focus on their understanding of the meaning of sacrament and the commitment to permanence and stability in marriage.
Yes the church will marry those who are “living in sin” and seeking to remedy their situation. As the church did to me.
Same here. I was de facto “living in sin” when engaged. We had arranged a technicality to make it appear we weren’t (I won’t go into details) to avoid issues with my mother. Father never asked for details of our living situation. Since he was an older priest and no fool, I suspect he was much more focused on just getting us married than quizzing us on our moral life. He could see we were 30 years old and responsible, and that I despite my secretly sinful life was at Mass on Sunday and throwing envelopes in the collection weekly for months, I think he just took that and ran with it.
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My whole atheist family drills me like this. It’s exhausting.

The Church is not a utilitarian political force. Jesus is not an American. The Bible was not written by organizational engineers. God ‘wastes’ time all the way through it. God’s wisdom is not man’s wisdom.
The Church isn’t a democracy; we submit willingly.
Mother Theresa’s life is worth observing, if your friend wants to know what the Kingdom of God really looks like. Malcolm Muggeridge’s ‘Something Beautiful for God’ is a good place to start.

The gospel is deeply offensive to human pride. Jesus infuriated people all the time. He didn’t set up an ideal government, though he could have, (and Satan tempted Him to do just that).Consider Him living in a minority country, controlled by military brutality. He didn’t overthrow the Romans because He was busy overthrowing Satan in realms we can’t see.

All of us who follow Christ represent Him by loving like He does. That’s what qualifies all priests, bishops and lay people. Again, Mother Theresa. Do you think she’d give good marriage or parenting advice? What exactly is her advice? It’s to love like Christ, in defiance of all evil and every human obstacle. And good priests and bishops do so.
I’m sure it does. I think she does it to bother you. I wouldn’t engage in that with her. It’s old hat by now and she doesn’t really want to know.
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Her observation was that, not having children or spouses of their own, they are in a very poor position to offer marital or parental counseling, unable to appreciate the gravity of clergy sex abuse, and also because of their celibacy tend towards progressive political stances, which due to their great influence over Catholics, is foolish to support.
Priests can counsel in the spiritual domain - they are not deeply skilled in marital Counselling nor in parenting, but this weakness is not Primarily rooted in their lack of a wife nor lack of children.

The gravity of child sex abuse is well understood by any reasonable person. That one may be a priest does not itself diminish the capacity or willingness to understand that.

The statement about politics is just too ridiculous to comment on.
Her third point was that the bishops tend towards political positions at odds with her own. The Pope has come down against the death penalty and life imprisonment, punishments she herself believes in the justice and practicality of. The USCCB is also pro gun-control and liberal immigration policies, positions she is also against.
Why are these things branded as an outcome of a political preference rather than views arrived at on the basis of judging their morality and/or what serves the common good best?
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Who do you think you are lying to? If you lie to the priest in a major way you aren’t really lying to that priest. You are lying to God.
Priests and Bishops do not have children but they hear confessions from thousands of people have. They are this very well equipped to offer counselling.
The gravity of child sex abuse is well understood by any reasonable person
Then the bishops must have been quite unreasonable men.
The statement about politics is just too ridiculous to comment on.
I would prefer that you did rather than simply dismiss it. I can’t make headway in an argument by being dismissive.
Why are these things branded as an outcome of a political preference rather than views arrived at on the basis of judging their morality and/or what serves the common good best?
I suppose because they are positions that don’t have to be accepted as dogma; one is free to disagree with the bishops on their policy positions, and if you are free to disagree then you are also free to come to the conclusion that those policies are not moral or in service of the common good.
Then the bishops must have been quite unreasonable men.
There is no basis to assume gravity was not understood. Some bishops simply did the wrong thing, and should be punished appropriately.
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one is free to disagree with the bishops on their policy positions
Do you think of all morally-based judgements as a “policy position”.
if you are free to disagree then you are also free to come to the conclusion that those policies are not moral or in service of the common good.
In evaluating morality of acts, each person gets to judge those matters which are a matter of judgement, by applying relevant moral principles. Most commonly that entails judging whether foreseeable outcomes are likely to do more harm than good. A bishop and I might come to different conclusions, and thus arrive at a different view on the morality (or otherwise) of an act or policy.
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One does not have to seek a doctor who had lung cancer in order to be treated by them for lung cancer.

Your friend was expecting the priest to be able to read hearts? That is a very rare gift. Most priests do not have that one.
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