“Then the Lord God said, ‘See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil;”
Does this mean that they had no clue about evil?
If someone only knows good, how could they perform and evil such as eating from the tree?
If God tells someone (who has no recollection of evil) not to do something how could their mind think of disobeying?
And if SOMEHOW they did think of disobeying, they would know that its bad even before eating the fruit meaning that they would know evil before eating the fruit.
Also, after eating the fruit they realized that they were naked. Does this mean that even before they knew they were nude, it was bad to be nude?
Does this mean that they had no clue about evil?
If someone only knows good, how could they perform and evil such as eating from the tree?
If God tells someone (who has no recollection of evil) not to do something how could their mind think of disobeying?
And if SOMEHOW they did think of disobeying, they would know that its bad even before eating the fruit meaning that they would know evil before eating the fruit.
Also, after eating the fruit they realized that they were naked. Does this mean that even before they knew they were nude, it was bad to be nude?