"the silliest Mass of all time"

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So now there will be a whole thread about how awful this all is.

There has to be a better use of bandwidth.
What’s better? This illustrates how awful the liturgy has become in some areas. The Pope needs to take back the Church and assert his authority.
These types of things would have been perfectly acceptable - in the plaza before the Cathedral during the Middle Ages. Never inside. Except perhaps on the Feast of Fools - which was widely condemened by the clerics of the Middle Ages. Some things never change it seems.
So now there will be a whole thread about how awful this all is.

There has to be a better use of bandwidth.
With all due respect, if you don’t like attention being paid to these things why do you open or read these threads?

If you don’t consider it that grave, that’s your opinion, but don’t chide or chastise anyone else for discussing it.
While it is certainly silly, the competition for silliest is very strong - note last year’s Halloween Mass in California. 😦
you are at least the third person to post a link to this blog, which gives NO documentation as to the date or place of this event, why not do some fact checking before getting bent out of shape.

and why not post it where it belongs, which is certainly not TC forum, and first see of someone else has the same topic going on
So now there will be a whole thread about how awful this all is.

There has to be a better use of bandwidth.
Yes, exposing abuse is such a horrible thing to do. We should all shut up and act like nothing is happening.
What’s better? This illustrates how awful the liturgy has become in some areas.
No, in one area, and even that is not documented. By the way, is this a TLM? I was just wondering why you post this in the Traditional forum if not.
you are at least the third person to post a link to this blog, which gives NO documentation as to the date or place of this event, why not do some fact checking before getting bent out of shape.

and why not post it where it belongs, which is certainly not TC forum, and first see of someone else has the same topic going on
First line in the link The Cathedral of Auch in the Diocèse of Gers
This is what Elish Maura calls 'active participation".
There is a lot of evidence on Eilish’s side. A lot of evidence. Somewhere. It just can’t be readily distributed. Or found.

…Stop being closed minded!
No, in one area, and even that is not documented. By the way, is this a TLM? I was just wondering why you post this in the Traditional forum if not.
Because traditionalists are concerned with the abuse of the liturgy whether NO or TLM.
The pictures depict the unreality of it all. A liturgy conducted as if the sight of young females dancing in front of the altar won’t be a distraction to men. A denial of the basic differences between men and women, or treating them as if they are nonexistent.
Because traditionalists are concerned with the abuse of the liturgy whether NO or TLM.
I know why you would want to discuss it, just not here. From the forum description:

“talk about the Traditional Latin Mass, the Indult, SSPX, sedevacantism”
I know why you would want to discuss it, just not here. From the forum description:

“talk about the Traditional Latin Mass, the Indult, SSPX, sedevacantism”
Where are you seeing that? On my screen, it says:

Traditional Catholicism Forum for discussion of traditional Roman Catholic spirituality

which covers a broader range of topics than that to which you suggest the discussion should be limited.
Hold on to your seats for this one! The Catholic Church is sure in a liturgical whirlwind with nonsense like this! Beyond pathetic. Someone needs to turn this priest in.

How do we know this is a Catholic church?
This one has got to take the cake…
Halloween Mass!!!
Where the devil passes out communion and the final blessing is given by Barney
This is not right. I didnt think was ever possible. How can he justify this? I know that I am a sinner myself, and this shows how weak mankind truly is without God.

Some of the comments at youtube were uncharitable from presumably fellow sinful Catholics, but this comment sums up the video quite well.
Even if we set aside the rubrics for a moment, it is but common sense that the Mass should be celebrated with dignity and honour for the Lord. Such a thing as this, which robs the Mass of its dignity and honour, is not fit for Him.
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