I do not know the precise extent to which I may quote for this purpose, if it is too extensive, please tell me. Here are portions of the relevant passage in Living a Christian Life, by Germain Grisez, Vol 2 of The Way of the Lord Jesus (a seminary text for moral theology). This is not in the public domain to my knowledge:
Since animals are part of the subpersonal creation over which humans have dominion, they may be used in any way which truly and justly serves the basic goods of persons.
He then lists many things which can be okay, like food, medical experimentation, art materials, games and sports, etc. Naturally, he requires the action to pass all other tests of morality. He then says,
a person may kill them, harm them, and/or inflict pain on them to the extent either necessary for the purpose or unavoidable without imposing significant burdens on human beings.
He then discusses waste in use of animals, which is at a higher standard than with non-sentient things, and cruelty, and mentions that we ought to protect animals. Also,
some feeding and slaughter of animals for meat misuses them because that meat is not part of a healthy diet and/or because the agricultural capacity used in producing meat could be used more efficiently to provide more people with and adequate vegetarian diet.
Lastly, he mentions that it is an abuse for a man to hunt and kill animals, “for mere self-magnification, not for food or even for sport involving real skill and, perhaps, fellowship.”
Also, I checked out the Summa Contra Gentiles (by St. Thomas Aquinas). He helpfully points to a scripture reference which we do not currently have on the thread (unless I missed it, highly possible, if so, I apologize):
RSV Dt22 said:
6 "If you chance to come upon a bird’s nest, in any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs and the mother sitting upon the young or upon the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young;
7 you shall let the mother go, but the young you may take to yourself; that it may go well with you, and that you may live long.
If anyone requests, I can type out what I have from the SCG; it is short.
I plan on answering you (Stanley) after lunch. This post was just quotes that some might find helpful.