The Soon-to-Be No. 1 Song Underscores Why We Need a Moral and Cultural Revolution

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When you’re done talking about how everyone was a “total FAIL!,” consider this:

The OP posts an article about music lyrics - and immediately you rant about Trump.

Want “failure?” How about “no matter what someone posts, I’ll rant about Trump on some anonymous web board”?

That’s failure. It’s also really insulting to OP as it hijacks a potentially interesting thread from the very outset.
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A wise man once said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” There have been scandalously crap songs nearly forever. Sorry, I’m not gonna read the article or listen to the song. Why give more publicity to it?
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The only one discussing Trump is you. The topic was about vulgar music. Your inability to discuss it without getting whiplash in your attempt to invoke Trump is telling. Is it so hard to call crap crap? On the dark side of the force scale, you are two steps from Anakin at the end of “Revenge of the Sith”. Your hatred of the religious right isn’t healthy.
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I can certainly believe that the song in question is quite vulgar, but I’ve never heard anything more so than a Luceille Bogan tune from the 1930’s. There’s nothing new, but at least back then people had enough shame to not broadcast it on the radio.
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I just heard about this song for the first time today and it’s freaking “everywhere”! As in, I can’t even get away from it on CAF!

*runs screaming from forum
one could say that Trump’s comment was locker room talk, a private conversation,
I always find it strange that some people feel that characterization kind of nullifies the natural reaction to what-he-said…
Yup, the song is very explicit. So much so that even the “softer” lyrics from the video version probably breaks CAF rules.

But here’s the thing. How are you going to entice the general public with your position?
Is there a way that the FCC can declare this song obscene or pornographic? Is it broadcast on anything that the FCC regulates?
That was far more repugnant than I was expecting… I’ve heard music that matches this song in vulgarity, but none of it was mainstream.

Naturally, the cafeterias will go to great lengths to justify this song. The music industry is only going to get more degenerate from here on out lads.
There’s nothing new about people releasing mega-dirty songs.
Radio is not that important for promoting music any more (which is why many formerly music stations are now news/ talk/ sports/ comedy etc), the FCC doesn’t regulate as strongly as it used to a few decades ago, and there are radio stations that play stuff like this in expurgated or even non-expurgated form all day for years now. I found one at random using car radio seek while driving a few years back and all the stuff they played was like written porn set to beats.

It’s icky but it’s nothing new and probably not going away. Best way to deal with it is turn it off and don’t support or give attention to those who make it.
This song is pornographic writing set to music.

Actually, I don’t know what’s worse - the sex or the lyrics that reference things like “getting a ring” “without cooking or cleaning” which essentially glorifies a woman having no value except as a sexual commodity.

We’ve come a long way down since Toni Basil’s Mickey.

What to do? This problem will persist so long as the family unit has evaporated. As has been noted, BLM has a mission goal of destroying the nuclear family. What is needed in part is for leaders - not politicians, but people who the young will listen to, i.e. JLo& ARod; Lebron James; whoever; to say, “this isn’t right,” and condemn it.

Unfortunately I don’t really see that happening.

Sheesh, this song is BAD.

EDITING TO ADD: Treating a body as a commodity happens all the time in other contexts.It’s still wrong. Want an example? (When COVID ends) take a tour of a major league ballpark,the ones that go to the clubhouses, weight rooms, etc. As you go, you will realize athletes are mere commodities as well. That’s one reason I can no longer really support professional sports, without even going to their kneel-for-the-anthem nonsense.
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No, and don’t be a smart-aleck. My comment was in the context of the issue of families - and you know that.

If you have nothing of value to add, please go away.
Well, I don’t keep up with much of pop culture, but based on the OP, I went and checked out the lyrics of the song. That ruined my day. What have we come to?
Is this the song that Ben Shapiro made an idiot of himself with? Is it any worse than My Neck, My Back… or to wind the clock back further Ticket To Ride? These arguments are as old as the hills, I still remember the moral panic about TaTu’s All The Things She Said, It wasn’t the fall of Western society and this won’t be either.
Is there a way that the FCC can declare this song obscene or pornographic? Is it broadcast on anything that the FCC regulates?
You wouldn’t be advocating for censorship would you? That can quite quickly come round to bite you if the societal winds change.
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There was that great Catholic composer from over two hundred years ago who relished in writing songs titled, “Lick me in the (very vulgar word for rectal orifice)”. Now, what was his name… Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
This is a very poor comparison for a few reasons.

First, your translation of the phrase is entirely too literal and misses the import of the idiom. The idiom in German is akin to the American phrase “Kiss my A…” rather than a pornographic directive for perverse orality. I’m not suggesting that the American phrase is somehow OK to use, but it is a rather well established part of the slang vernacular of America. More importantly - and here’s the point - this well-known American idiom which is basically saying the same as “drop dead” - has basically the same idiomatic meaning in German. The implication that the German is to be understood literally is NOT how it would be understood by a German audience.

Secondly, the 1756 composition is part of short series of “party songs” written by Mozart (I believe there were six songs in all ) that was never intended for mass consumption. There may have been a market for such compositions in Vienna at the time, but that market would have been extremely small. It was never intended as a work that would bring any kind of profit to the composer. It was a novelty song at best intended for a very limited audience.

And finally (and it’s related to the above), Cardi B apparently has some 72 million followers on Instagram - her “song” is definitely intended for mass distribution and consumption. It is sexually explicit and vulgar in the extreme. She’s not saying “drop dead” or words to that effect. She’s celebrating - and normalizing - overtly sexual and perverse behavior with her lyrics.

Your comparison fails.