Nuclear power continues to be a source of fantasy for Hollywood and ultra-green types. Nevermind the hundreds of people killed over the years mining coal, rare-earth metals for solar panels, men who died digging the Panama Canal, etc. Big endeavors take some risk, and trying to provide reliable electric power on a mass scale involves some risk. Natural gas lines can explode (and often do, without folks parading the streets calling for gas plants to be shuttered). Wind and solar are just not reliable or efficient enough, and indeed there is a “soft” hazard associated with power interruptions that affect a large population. Three Mile Island did not kill anyone despite the conspiracies floating around on the internet. People who fear nuclear power instantly think of meltdowns and cancer, assuming that a terrible disaster is only a snap of a finger away. There are over 400 operating reactors in the world, and only three nuclear accidents over 40 years really stand out as noteworthy. Not a bad record at all.