It is my impression that the Soviets were both good and bad at technology. Some of the difference was explained by limited resources. I recall, for instance, reading about a Soviet air force interceptor that was designed to intercept B-52s at high speed and high altitude. It was all steel, not titanium, and had surfaces that were incredibly crude, but very clever surfaces where there was the most potential for drag. Because of the steel, it was heavy and required an engine so powerful that it pushed the boundaries of what an engine could do without breaking up. It would last just long enough to get to typical B-52 altitude and then tended to break down. Like a lot of Soviet tech, it was designed to be as cheap as possible but to do the job…just barely. The Soviets were very clever at such things.
The Soviets tended to expend their greatest expertise on the military. Their civilian infrastructure was, by and large, inefficient, wasteful, and hazardous.