This looks suspiciously like the Blind Watchmaker argument, and to be honest, the argument is a strawman. No atheist I am aware of makes the claim that everything we see now sprang into being in one step.
You’re making an argument that the burden of proof does not lie with you. You would not have to make that argument if the burden of proof didn’t lie with you.Nonsense again. The burden of proof is on those who argue that a cathedral built itself. The witness of an ordered and remarkable creation (Romans 1:20) and the universal witness of an internal conscience, and the fact that the universe is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is proof that only a fool says in his heart “there is no God”
“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1).
Reason demands that the words you are reading right now came from a logical source. Thus the burden of proof is on you to argue that the words you are reading right now are the result of an irrational purposeless internet accident.
Except to correct people who claim that the burden of proof is not theirs.The person with no burden of proof would just remain silent.
In order for something to have a beginning it must exist in time. Scientist will tell you that the universe and Time and Matter itself came into existence with the Big Bang. Thus the cause of Time is outside of time itself. To be outside of time is to be Eternal. To be eternal is to have no beginning. The cause of matter is outside of matter itself, (in theological language “spiritual”). The universe is not eternal, but the cause of the universe is. And the fact that the universe is comprehensible through the logical language of mathematics is proof that the cause and source itself is logical. This is what the Greek philosophers referred to as the Logos of the universe; that is, the rationality behind the order and functionality of all the systems that make up the universe and the laws by which they are governed.I see order in the universe and in no way deny it. I don’t follow the logic that therefore God! Its order appears to be internal, it follows its own order and doesn’t seem to be doing the work of something outside of itself, which is a claim monotheists make. That their God is not the Universe, is outside the Universe and the Universe is doing God’s will. That’s a stretch way beyond any logic.
There are other ideas. The Deists contend that there may be a god, but it might not be an intellect at all. There are some variants that seem to straddle the line between atheism and theism. Denying that there is a personal god, but there is some kind of god, is the kind of thing that irritates both theists and atheists.I agree with your general premise.
God is not the question He is one possible answer. (The best one in my opinion).
The question is whether our reality is derived from intelligence or non intelligence.
The Theist argues for intelligence, the atheist for non intelligence.
Both have to make their case. The burden of proof is on both sides.
That’s, um, unlikely to be what you’d do. It is also not a reasonable thing to do.Joe believes…
…that voting Republican is the best option.
…that BigFoot exists.
…that aliens have visited earth.
…that God exists.
…that water freezes below 0 degrees C.
…that global warming is a threat to the planet.
Do I share any of those beliefs? Well, if I had no knowledge of any of them, I would ask Joe why he held them.
And yes, the burden of proof is on us
Are you sure there is any “burden of proof”?Nonsense. The burden of proof are those who are arguing against reason.
That also proves that they believed their claims. It is just that in case of apostles believing their claims does imply truth of Christianity.Many of the arguments that I’ve heard theists propose fall flat because they simply aren’t unique. If a Catholic argues that the story of Jesus MUST be true because the apostles were willing to die rather than deny it, well, what about the millions of others who have died for their various faiths?
So, it won’t be hard to give some examples?Miracles…many faiths have them.
That only happens in atheist mythology.It’s true that monotheists are atheistic about every god but their own. Can you prove none of them existed or do exist?
Ah, but did the humans “devise” Logic and Mathematics? Or have they discovered them, just like Physics?Seriously, to me, the idea that humans can devise a system of logical thought and then claim that the entire Universe is bound by it is beyond laughable.
What I would say is that quantum physics suggests that our reality is a non local experience based on consciousness. Because of this it suggests the Creator is a Creator with consciousness, thus a personal Being or Beings.There are other ideas. The Deists contend that there may be a god, but it might not be an intellect at all. There are some variants that seem to straddle the line between atheism and theism. Denying that there is a personal god, but there is some kind of god, is the kind of thing that irritates both theists and atheists.
Then I invite you to investigate. I changed from being an atheist to Theist because of Quantum Physics. Happy to step you through it if you decide.I doubt you will find many physicists that interpret QM in that way. I’m not even sure what it has to do with Quantum Mechanics at all.
The real question is what is an atheist doing on a Catholic website asking questions about God. The answer is obvious; though you may not realize it yet.So I guess I wonder what the purpose of the debate is. Do you care about real people living their real lives in an often irrational way or do you care about winning an argument that is only tangentially attached to the human experience?
We can talk specifics of scientific results or we can bluster and change the talk to argue about claimed authority. Your call. The invitation is still there.You refer to the copanhagen interpretation, which in its strongest form is pretty widely rejected by physicists.