Darwin was 22 when he boarded the “Beagle” to make his voyage of discovery. The name of the ship, “Beagle” appears in the opening paragraph of his “Origin of Species”.
A beagle is a breed of dog. Did beagles exist at Creation? No. They are man-made. How different is a beagle to a wolf? There is a great difference.
Are dachshunds like wolves? No. Are poodles like wolves? No.
If a wolf can be transformed into a sausage dog in a number of generations, it only goes to show that Darwin’s theory of evolution is closer to fact than fiction. If Darwin’s theory were fiction, the wolf would still be wolf.
A beagle is a breed of dog. Did beagles exist at Creation? No. They are man-made. How different is a beagle to a wolf? There is a great difference.
Are dachshunds like wolves? No. Are poodles like wolves? No.
If a wolf can be transformed into a sausage dog in a number of generations, it only goes to show that Darwin’s theory of evolution is closer to fact than fiction. If Darwin’s theory were fiction, the wolf would still be wolf.