Dear Aloysium
If Knower is not known and the known & Knower are not the knowing, God has three distinction units in his Essence and that means he is not simple. We have such condition exists in you explain of love.
For the most part, I don’t use these terms such as “essence” to understand things.
I find that it is not so much that they clarify the nature of God as it is that what we know of God justifies that philosophical system.
Since God has been revealed to have a Triune nature, maybe that is what you are trying to do as well.
To clarify what I meant, since it was unclear:
We can understand God by understanding ourselves, since we are created in His image.
What we know for sure is the moment. This moment is simple; it is simply what it is.
Our intellect can discern elements within the simplicity.
So here we are attending to what is written - a very simple unity which we can describe in terms of knower, knowing and known.
One event, the moment, three parts to it. In God these are Persons.
In God’s image we are made self-and-other (Adam and Eve). In human relations, the known is also a knower.
In love, self and other are united in a mutual giving to one another.
If love which connects the two is considered an entity in itself, we get three in one.
Very simple, rather complex.