I see. I also heard that some early Maronite stuff that got translated into Latin was rumored to contain latinizations but it didn’t. I’ll try to look it up when I get the chance.We have Latinizations because the majority of our oldest liturgical books were burnt by the Crusaders who suspected us of being Messalians or Monophysites (one or the other… or both).
Well in Early Church this was somewhat common. Church Fathers would be universal and so would approach… Rites did exist and theological approaches did too, but in the end they weren’t locally exclusive. Indeed though, Churches did not abandon their theologians in favor of foreign ones- they either kept local ones only or also adopted foreign ones alongside them. Maronites really hold special place in my heart.An unfortunate consequence of our long union with Rome is that we’ve become infatuated with the Roman approach to theology (and liturgy for that matter), particularly the scholastic approach, and have abandoned our own theologians.