The March for Life is not run by politicians. It is a privately-organized event.
Participants are invited to go to the offices of the Senators and Representatives and speak to them about pro-life issues. Some of the pro-life Senators and Representatives open the doors wide and welcome the marchers in person, or have an aide ready to greet and answer questions, while many of the pro-abortion Senators and Representatives keep their doors closed, or if they do allow marchers to come in, will send an aide to meet them.
This is our right as Americans–to petition those who represent us in our government and try to persuade them to vote a certain way on various issues. People do this all the time.
But the marchers are not required or expected to speak with their Representatives and Senators and many don’t. For many people, the March is a religious experience–I remember one year when a group was carrying a giant Rosary made out of BOWLING BALLS–they carried those heavy things around! I think it was probably a very good way to “suffer” for the sake of the unborn. Some people pray during the entire March.
Out of respect for the Office, the President of the United States is invited to speak at the March for Life, and in my memory (I could be wrong), every President except Pres. Trump has declined, so that is one reason why so many of us are excited that Pres. Trump has spoken two years in a row! Other politicians who are champions for pro-life policies will speak, and usually priests and/or pastors speak.
This happens at many different events in Washington, D.C.–the President is invited to speak. He (or she, someday) usually declines because they can’t speak at every event–there are dozens of marches and protests and walks every day!
Again, no one has to listen to the speakers at the March For Life. Many of the marchers are no where near the Speaker’s Podium and can’t hear anything that’s going on.
One thing that no one has brought up yet (unless I missed it in this thread) is that many groups show up at the March for Life. It’s really interesting and encouraging to see groups like “Lesbians for Life,” “Atheists for Life,” “Feminists for Life,” etc.
Along with these pro-life groups are groups that are not…savory, if you know what I mean. When we first went to the March, we were cautioned by our local pro-life groups to be very careful who we talk to. One of the groups that attended during the years that we went was a White Nationalist Group–kind of frightening.
I wonder if anyone warned the Covington students about this. Yes, as Christians, we want to reach out to everyone around us with the Good News of Jesus and His life-giving Gospel. But…we need to be wise and discerning, and high school students lack experience and “savvy” when it comes to filtering out those who do not have good intentions. I hope that this incident will be a wake-up call for teachers and parents who take children and teens to the March for Life–definitely take them, but caution them greatly in advance to be CAREFUL about approaching any group or permitting a group to approach them. Let the grownups go first.