I’m glad this happened.
I have come to realize in the past few weeks that in some respects, the U.S. does have something in common with Nazi Germany–we cannot trust our media!!!
I’ve seen it on both sides–some of the Conservative talk show hosts and columnists say and write “facts” with no documentation/proof. Even when a watchdog corrects their facts, they keep saying them, and they never bother to respond to the watchdog and explain why his/her “facts” are incorrect and their facts are “correct.” It’s just a question of who out-shouts who!
And the Liberal media is awful. They present innuendos as headline stories, and only at the end of their story do their admit that “there is no evidence–yet.” In other words, they have made the whole thing up, but they are hoping that someone will come forward and prove their “theory!” If I had tried that lying tactic with my mom (R.I.P.), she would have grounded me for a month!
Some of the columnists on both sides appear to be telling the truth; e.g., Kathleen Parker, Marc Thiesson, Esther Cepeda. Michael Gerson used to be trustworthy, but his obvious hatred of Donald Trump has distorted his ability to be objective. And this makes me doubt even the three that I have listed above.
When I was a young teen, I read Mein Kampf, and I started reading other books about Hitler, and I came to the conclusion to be very cautious about believing anything. Demand proof. I even started questioning my teachers, and they liked this!
I still feel that way. I tend to trust my local news because the people are my neighbors and fellow parishioners and fellow music club members, and if they lie, they will be called out for it and lose the trust of all of us. But all these other voices–for all I know, it could be special effects. Look how Hollywood makes us believe, at least for 90 minutes, that there are superheroes. This school video is a perfect example of what happens when someone views only selective cuts.
Don’t be too quick to trust.